Pride swells in my chest. I owe my people for our lives.
“They slaughtered my men like pigs!” he shouts.
“Like you were on your way to do to them?” I ask, needing to keep him talking.
He stops and gives me a cruel smile. “You didn’t think I’d let them live now, did you?” he shakes his head. “No, not after I found out what was going on behind my back, with my own people–their plan to overthrow me, to dethrone me. I had to take care of it before they did. I sure as hell didn’t expect to find you naked in a sea of monsters.” He curls his lips at me. “You’re sick, Snow. Just like your mother was.”
“What are you talking about!” I demand. “What did my mother do that was so wrong? So messed up?”
“She was planning to leave me for one of them!” he shouts. My eyes widen in shock. “Your mother was mated to a man in their pack. I found them one day.” He laughs, and it’s purelyunhinged now. A part of me always thought something was wrong with my father, but at this moment, I think he’s slowly been turning into a madman. “Naked in the forest, in some homemade nest nuzzled in a cave. How cozy, right?” he spits. “She was naked, sleeping in his arms. So I slit her throat and cut off his head.”
My stomach jolts with revulsion, bile curdling in my stomach as he starts to cackle like a lunatic.
Hekilled my mother? And... her mate? She had a mate. He was one of them.
Then it hits me. They had a brother, one who passed away. Derek. My father. He killed them both.
Did my guys know? Did they know about my mother and Derek's relationship this whole time and not tell me?
“And then I find out my own daughter has been whoring it up with not only one but six of them. What is wrong with you, Snow? How could you be so sick.”
“They’re my mates,” I choke out. “They’re kind, hard-working men. They’ve never hurt anyone!” I scream, the realization of what he did to my mother causing me to spiral.
“They are an abomination. One that I let live because it suited me. But soon, they will be joining their brother in hell. Along with your mother.”
“Fuck you!” I scream, eyes wild in rage. I start struggling in the chair, trying to get up. My father laughs as I fail, the restraints holding me in place.
“I need to start over. Clean slate. Once I’m rid of you—this time for real—I’ll get the people to see reason. To see that I’m the best person for the throne.”
“You're crazy, you know that?!” I’m letting my anger get the better of me, and I know I fucked up when I see his face drop, his body going still. His eyes lock on mine, and a sinister feeling takes over.
“It’s a good thing I don’t give a fuck about what you think. Your mother was a fool to think she could leave all this to you,” he scoffs. “You're a child. A foolish child that knows nothing about what it takes to be queen!” He looks behind me. “Max! Get in here, now.”
I look over my shoulder to see Max, the man who felt the need to bring me back to this mad house, come into the room. He’s carrying something on a silver platter.
A needle. Oh no. No. Shit. No.
“Wait.” My eyes snap over to my father. “I’ll let you have the kingdom. I’ll sign any papers you want. You don’t want to do this. Please. I’m your daughter! I’ll take the pack and leave; you can have it all.”
I don’t mean a single word, but a woman in a dire situation will say what needs to be said to survive.
“You might have my blood, but you're no daughter of mine. You're too much of a liability, a risk I am not willing to take.”
Max places the platter down on the desk in front of my father.
My father looks up at Max with a glaring look. “And you’re sure it will work this time?” he snarls. “You're lucky I don’t kill you for failing me in the first place.”
“Yes, your highness. She didn’t consume enough to kill her the first time. I tried to get her to eat the whole pie, but she left before I could.”
“Stupid. Everyone is so stupid!” my father shouts. “But this needle has enough poison to kill a horse. This time, when you close your eyes, you won’t be opening them again. Not even your stepmother can save you now,” he laughs. “You’re even worse than your mother. Sex with monsters isn’t enough to satisfy you, you had to go be a slut with my wife. Have you no fucking shame.” He curls his lip. “No one is going to miss you, Snow. You were never significant enough for anyone to remember.”
I hate that I’m crying, that I’m showing him the fear racing through me. I’m a mess. I don’t want to die. “Please,” I beg, my voice cracking. “Don’t do this.”
My father makes his way around the desk and crouches before me. “You see, my dear daughter,” he sighs. I watch as Max picks up the needle from the tray. “I can do whatever I please,” he chuckles. I can’t believe my mother married him, had a child with him, built a life with him, and lost that life at his hands. He deserves nothing but misery, and I pray karma finds him and brings him down to hell where he belongs.
“Do you know why I can do whatever I want?” He cocks his head to the side. “Because I’m the fucking king.” He grins slowly, then holds out a hand. “Max, the syringe.”
My father’s eyes lock on mine, the cruel smile still painted on his lips. It starts to falter with every second Max doesn’t do anything. I look over, finding him standing right next to us, eyes glued to the syringe.