Page 67 of Snows Sinful Seven

Chapter 18


“Oh, come on!” Gabe snarls, jumping to his feet. “That was bullshit.”

“You're such a sore loser.” Henry cackles, helping himself to Gabe’s money.

With everything going on, Henry came up with an idea to have a game night. A night where we can hang out, spend time together, and get to know one another.

Since they’ve told me about being their mate and an omega, things between us have been changing fast.

My feelings for them are becoming stronger every day, and I think it’s safe to say that I’m falling in love with them.

It’s crazy to think that only a month ago, I was in the palace with plans to run away, somewhere far from here to start over somewhere new.

I might not have had to go far to find my new start, but it’s everything I could have wanted and more.

The guys finally told me about their plan to take on my father. Everyone is working to form an army. The knowledge that this is going to have to end in a fight, a fight that will most likely take lives, makes me sick. I hate it. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.

But Dallas explained that the people of the kingdom are done. They have lost so much with no idea if they will ever get it back, they are willing to risk their lives for the greater good.

I just hope that we come out on top and that people don’t lose their lives for no reason.

“Are they always like this?” Regina asks, her face filled with amusement.

“Henry picking at Gabe to get him going, and Gabe falling into his trap?” I question with a grin. “Yeah, pretty much.”

Gabe stops talking, his eyes snapping over to mine. I bite my lips together, trying to hold back my laugh. He growls and takes two steps over to me before crouching down, his face level with mine. “Do you have something to say?”

“I was just telling Regina that if you didn’t react, Henry wouldn’t keep trying.” It’s not true, Henry would say and do the things he does no matter what. But a part of me loves getting Gabe going, too. He’s all growls, but I know he’s a big softy.

A deep rumbling starts from his chest, but I lean forward, pressing a kiss to his nose, and it shuts him right up. “You play dirty, little one,” he grunts.

Butterflies erupt in my belly. “And you're a sore loser.”

“That's it,” he growls, snatching me up off the chair and throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal in delight before bursting into laughter.

“I’ll save you from the big bad monster!” Henry calls out. Everyone is laughing as Gabe ducks out of Henry’s attempt to take me from him.

“Mine,” Gabe growls.

“She’s mine too.” Henry chuckles, and Gabe makes a grunting sound before I’m taken from him and thrown over Henry’s shoulder.

“You both play dirty. You’re perfect for each other!” Gabe shouts, and Henry runs down the hall with me.

“You’re so sweet. Thanks!” Henry calls back.