He works at night as a doctor in the village and, after a few hours of sleep, joins us in the mines.
It’s the only job we’re able to do, or at least anyone is willing to give us. While the village is accepting of us for the most part, there are still people who don’t want us around. It’s why we live far in the forest, secluded and away from everyone.
“You're staying home today,” I tell him as the cottage comes into view.
“Gabe.” He gives me a tired sigh.
“Nope. You work too hard. You're running yourself ragged when you don’t have to. There’s five of us working those mines, we would be fine if you chose to just work at the clinic.”
“But six means getting more ground covered, more diamonds and gold. That means more money for us.”
It also means more money for the kingdom. It’s part of the agreement we have with the king. We work the mines, get the treasures his people are unable to gather, and get paid a hefty sum.
There’s something within the mountain that emanates from the walls, making humans pass out—some even die.
Maybe it’s our DNA, but it doesn’t affect us unless we’re down there for days. Working for the king feels like a betrayal after what he did to Derek.
“I said, stay home,” I snap coming to a halt, baring my teeth. I instantly regret it.
Dallas is bigger than me, a good few inches taller too. He growls, getting in my face. “I don’t know what the fuck hasgotten you to be a moodier bastard than normal, but cut it the fuck out.”
“Sorry.” I deflate.
“What is going on, Gabe? Is this about the princess?”
Yes.I want to tell him yes. That I’ve been going out of my damn mind since finding out who she is to me. When a lycan finds their mate, a bond is made, one that can only be broken by death.
I hate how I crave her—need her—when I don’t even fucking know her.
“It’s...” I shake my head and start walking again. “Never mind. I’m sorry for snapping, okay? It’s been a long night.”
A long fucking night staying up thinking about her. Damn it. I’m knot whipped by a stranger, lovely.
As we approach the cottage, something feels different. Not bad... just out of place.
Dallas and I glance at each other, brows furrowed. He feels it, too.
When we get inside, I can feel my brothers’ presence. They’re here, in the cottage, only I can’t see them.
“Henry!” Dallas calls out.
“Brady?” I shout next.
A second later, Henry comes stumbling out of one of the rooms, a massive smile and wide eyes staring back at us. “Shhhh!” He puts a finger up to his lips.
“What the fuck is going on?” I growl in annoyance.
“Come, come.” He waves us over, practically bouncing like an eager puppy. “But be quiet,” he urges.
I cast Dallas another look. He just shrugs. With these guys, it’s anyone’s guess what they’re up to.
We follow Henry through the cottage and into the first bedroom on the left. That’s my room.
“What the fuck is everyone doing in my room?”
“You’re going to wake her,” Henry hisses.
“Wake who?” My nose burns at the off-putting smell. “And what the hell is that smell?”