Page 68 of Snows Sinful Seven

I look up to find Regina smiling, shaking her head.

She’s adjusting to being here a lot better than I thought. She and Gabe like to bicker, but for the most part, she gets along with all of my guys.

My guys. My mates. My alphas.

My life has changed so much, but I love everything about it now. I don’t think I’d change a thing. Apart from dealing with my father.

I’ve been doing my best to split my time equally with everyone, but it’s not easy when I spend most of it with Regina. She knows that nights are for the guys. Every day, we do something new. Sometimes all together, or I’ll do something individually with one of them.

With Sullivan, it’s gardening mostly. Well, more like he sits there and watches me while we talk. But I love it.

With Sterling, we take naps together. He started coming home in the middle of the day to sleep for a few hours before going back to the mines with the guys. It seems to be helping him get into a better sleeping pattern. He’s been sleeping more and more through the night.

But he’s also told me he sleeps best with me in his arms. The first night we cuddled, he drifted off to sleep before me and woke up from a nightmare. He ended up telling me about his family, and my heart broke. So, I do my best to slip into his bed at night so he can sleep peacefully. I like that I can help.

With Brady being the quiet one we don’t have a lot of conversions, but we enjoy just being with one another. For an hour every night, I sit in his lap and we read. It’s become one of my favorite nightly rituals.

Gabe and I haven’t spent much time alone together, but I do follow him around the house, trying to talk him down from all his grumpy rambles. It’s crazy, but I like it. And it works.

Dallas, I spend my mornings with. We’re the only ones in the house that get up early. Mostly, it’s him coming home froma shift or getting ready to leave for one. We sit, have coffee, and he tells me as much as he can about his work without breaking confidentiality.

He’s also promised to take me to see the kids again once everything is dealt with, and he keeps me updated on them.

I can’t call Mrs. Bark, it’s a risk that my father could have the phones tapped. Might be a long shot, but the guys aren't taking risks. We need him to continue thinking I’m dead.

We still haven’t figured out why Max didn’t come after me to make sure I was dealt with, and we may never know.

That leaves Henry. With him, it’s normally things around the house or playing little games. Like tonight's plan, after we were done playing a game as a group, we are having a movie night in his room. He insisted on cuddles and popcorn. Something I wasn’t going to turn down.

Henry throws open his bedroom door and goes to his bed. He tosses me on the soft mattress, and I land with a giggle as he goes back to close the door.

“You’re all mine now, princess,” he purrs, turning from the door to give me a heated stare.

“Oh no. Whatever shall I do? Let me call for help.” I grin back before biting my lips together to show there's no calling for help.

He chuckles before crawling onto the bed. “Hi.” He chuckles as he brings his nose to mine.

“Hi,” I whisper back, running my fingers through the fur on his head. He groans, and that sound goes right to my clit.

“Fuck,” he hisses, moving off me. “You keep touching me like that, princess, and I’m not going to be able to concentrate on the movie.”

“Sorry.” I smile.

“Are not.” He grins, standing up and going over to the TV. “What movie are we in the mood for?”

“Funny. I don’t think anything scary or depressing is something I want right now.”

“Funny it is.”

After he grabs us popcorn, we snuggle together in his bed.

His scent is comforting, but also the more I touch him, smell him, the more that fire in my belly grows.

It’s hard not to want them, to want all of them, but I haven’t voiced it because I’m kind of afraid.

They’re big, and I’m not. And I’m sure what's between their legs will match their size. I’m a human. I don’t think I’m even able to take something that big.

But I’m also an omega.