Page 47 of Erik

Erik’s baritone teases my ear through the hidden speakers. “Sorry, guys. We’ll step down to put some sense into Logan’s thick skull. We’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”



Nick and Wes support Logan between them, as they drag him to his dressing room. Rushing ahead, I leave the door open for them and step into the tiny bathroom. I flick the switch in the showerhead to the off position and run the water.

Turning to face the three, I suggest, “Wes, hold Logan under the stream until he sobers up. I don’t care if he drowns.”

Wes mock-salutes me. “Aye, aye, Cap.”

“Nick, get him some orange juice with a ton of sugar while I’ll try to find some clothes for him.” Pointing at the plates of metal that covers only his upper arms and shoulder, I stroke my chin. “Couldn’t pay for the rest of the armor?” He makes a face at me. “No, seriously. I don’t get it. Who are you supposed to be?”

“DiCaprio’s Romeo in Luhrmann’s film. And I’ve just found my Juliet.”

I roll my eyes as I dash out and sprint up the corridor to Nick’s room. It’s a long shot since none of us had to pack a change of clothes. After a few minutes tossing the place, I try Wes’s dressing room next door.

A blur of red, green, and gold plummets my stomach. “Not now, Carlotta. I’m really not in the mood.”

She follows me inside the room, huffing, and puffing. “Tell me you didn’t invite that little tramp.”

Longing holds my heart in a tight fist as I remember how lovely Christine looks tonight. And every other time I’ve ever seen her. I ransack the place for any pieces of clothing Logan can wear. Without glancing Carlotta’s way, I grump, “Wish I had, but I can’t take credit for that.”

She fumes. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.” She digs her nails into my sleeve.

I jerk it away and grab an old t-shirt someone has left behind in a drawer. Next stop, my room, which is also a bust. Turning on my heels to return to Logan’s, I find Carlotta blocking the doorway. “I can’t deal with you right now. I’ve got a fundraiser and a band to save. Go back to the table.”

Better yet, go home.

She steps into my personal space, clasping her clammy palms on my cheeks. I fight to keep lunch down since I haven’t had dinner yet. I can’t eat when she’s around.

She whispers, “Promise me.”

I wrap my fingers around her wrists, releasing her hold on me. I enunciate the words as if she were a toddler. “Won’t. Deal. With. You. Now.”

Skirting her, I go back to Logan’s room. Closing the door behind me, I fling the t-shirt at him. Sprawled on the couch, in his soaked underwear, he doesn’t try to catch it. His dry black pants and shirt lie on the floor by the bathroom door.

Kim rips him a new one. "You know your little stunt might’ve cost Allyson her contract with Tarmac records, right?"

He sits up, nods, and mumbles, “I’ll fix it."

Bending at the waist, I get on his face. “What the fuck, man? You can’t treat a woman like that, let alone one as special as Allyson. What were you thinking?”

Logan snickers, “That’s rich coming from you.”

I square my shoulders. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’ve been honest with Allyson since day one about my intentions and shortcomings. Which is much more than you can say about either Christine or Carlotta.”

Wes intercepts me when I lunge at Logan. Embracing me, he pushes me back. Straining my neck, but letting Wes walk me back to the other side of the room, I growl, “Fuck you, Logan.”

He snorts. “What were you thinking parading Carlotta around during the tour?”

Wes frowns at me, “You sleeping with her?”

“God, no! The thought makes my skin crawl.”

Logan goes on, “My point exactly. At least, you’ve managed to keep Liam out of the spotlight, but how long do you think it’ll last? That woman isn’t the brightest lightbulb in the room, but she’s one cunning lady. With the tabloid reporters dubbing her your ‘fiancé’,” he cuts the air with his fingers in an air quote gesture, scoffs, and rolls his eyes. “She’ll eventually catch up and realize Liam’s her best asset. She’ll dangle him in front of you every fucking time she needs to extract anything from you.”