I blink, and I see her dying in front of me.
Ruari’s lost, again. He’s...
He doesn’t want to see us again. He moved somewhere else. But I don’t know where.
He did speak to me once, though, on the phone. We were finalizing our divorce. [She gulps] He thanked me for trying to save her.
As if I’d do anything other than try to save her.
I’m not the monster people think I am.
Ashley Kincade: They only think that because of Julia. No one close to you actually believes that.
Dante Fiore: What happened with Julia, Summer?
Summer Taylor-Braddon: It was her. She was the ‘source close to me’. All that time. She was the one giving so much information about me to the press. She was...
Ashley Kincade: She said these people offered her a lot of money.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: She sold me out. My so-called best friend. I mean, she’s tried to apologize since. But there’s no way back from that.
Wednesday July 24th, 2024
Adelaide James: Okay, so I must admit, you told us quite the tale yesterday, Ms. Taylor-Braddon. And I do believe that that audio played of the emergency call has been doctored—I researched your friend Ashley Kincade last night, and didn’t he do a course in media studies? I am sure he has the skills for editing audio, if you do not. Because I emphaticallydo not believethat you actually tried to help Mia Wilson.
Or if you did, it was to cover up your own actions. Make people believe you were helping when you weren’t.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: You’re speaking quite fast now, Adelaide, like you’re... unsettled. Or unsure. Was yesterday the first time you heard that call?
Adelaide James: It was. But, as I said, I do not believe that what was played was the original recording. And now it’s time to actually give readers the truth. Because isn’t that what this whole project is about? The truth.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: It is, yes.
Adelaide James: Well, I’m not going to beat about the bush here. I’ve got my final guest waiting outside. I’ll just invite her in now.