Ambulance Call Handler: Thank you, and what’s your name?
Summer Taylor-Braddon: Summer.
Ambulance Call Handler: Okay, Summer, tell us what’s happening.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: I... I’m with a woman, and she’s been stabbed in the stomach.
Ambulance Call Handler: Is the attacker still on the scene?
Summer Taylor-Braddon: No. We’re inside now. She was stabbed outside, but I dragged her in here, into the house. I don’t know if I should’ve moved her. But she’s bleeding a lot, and I don’t know what to do.
[Shouts outside can be heard]
Ambulance Call Handler: Hello, Summer? Are you safe?
Summer Taylor-Braddon: I’m safe. She’s bleeding a lot.
Ambulance Call Handler: Paramedics are on their way, but I need you to get a clean towel or cloth. Can you do that?
Summer Taylor-Braddon: Yes. I can... Uh, yeah, there’s a blanket here. It looks clean—it’s not my house so I’m not sure... But I think... Oh God.
[A loud hammering sound follows, followed by more shouts from a male]
Ambulance Call Handler: What’s happening, Summer? Hello?
Can you tell me what’s happening?
Summer Taylor-Braddon: They’re still outside, but... She’s... She’s been sick, and she’s still unconscious. Should I put her on her side? Oh fuck—she’s having a seizure. I don’t know what to do. And—and she’s pregnant! I forgot to say she’s pregnant!
Ambulance Call Handler: Just stay calm please and listen. I’m going to tell you exactly what to do.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: I still just feel weird, hearing that call. Like it wasn’t me.
Dante Fiore: But it was.
Adelaide James: Wait—is that an unedited recording?
Dante Fiore: It is. But please refrain from interrupting, Ms. James. Now, Summer, would you like to tell us what happened?
Summer Taylor-Braddon: Yeah. I would. Because even though the police cleared me of any involvement, there are still so many people out there who think I did this. The joys of being a crime writer, eh?
Dante Fiore: But this project that we’re doing is to get the truth across. Your truth.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: It’s not justmytruth. It’sthetruth.
Dante Fiore: Sorry. Yes.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: So, I was kidnapped once.
I bet you didn’t expect me to tell you that?
Dante Fiore: Uh, no, I didn’t expect you to say that—not now, anyway.
Summer Taylor-Braddon: I feel it’s important for everyone to have this context. You included, Adelaide. Especially before we continue with the events of that day.
Dante Fiore: So, Kidnapped? What—I mean, how? When?