Page 85 of My Heart to Find

“Marnie?” Trevor flexes his fingers for a split second, then he’s running. “Marnie!” he shouts.

My chest rises and falls too quickly. I peer into the basement—can only see darkness.

“It’s okay,” Jana’s saying to Phia. Cara’s just behind them now, still shaking, still staring at her hands.

I move toward her. “It’s okay.” I try to keep my voice low, calm, but it breaks, gives away how scared I am.

Cara’s gaze shoots to mine. She just shakes her head. Her eyes fill with tears, and then she’s crying and—

“Marnie! Marnie, can you hear me?” Fear wracks through Trevor’s voice. “Someone, help me!”

I jolt like I’ve had an electric shock, then I’m moving into the basement. Darkness and—

I nearly throw up as the smell hits me: it’s what death smells like.


My heart squeezes.

“Where are you?” I try to peer through the darkness.

“Over here.” Trevor’s voice is muffled.

Suddenly, light flicks on. Bright light that stings and burns. I blink several times, see Jana in the doorway, her hand on the wall. On a light switch?

Cara steps into the room, her movements uncertain. Her whole body tremors. Phia’s right next to her. Cara moves toward me, but her eyes are strange, almost empty. Like she’s not there.

“Cara! Get Phia out of here,” Jana says.

I turn back, see Trevor kneeling over a slumped figure. His sister. He’s mumbling something over and over.

Phia hurries toward Cara—and too late I realize what she’s about to do: touch Cara.

And I watch in slow motion as Phia grabs Cara’s arm. I see the horror in Cara’s face, how her eyes glass over as she starts shaking.

“Just get her out of here and into the car!” Jana shouts, throwing her keys at Cara. They land short, clatter onto the tiled floor.

“It’s okay,” I shout to Cara. “I’ll take her. I’ll—”

“What the hell are you doing in my house?”

We all turn at the sound of Mr. Richards’s voice.