“No, his house. I can get his address.”
“But Phia could be at the café,” I say, and I know I’m just hoping. “We’re right by the café.”
“Fine. But if she’s not there, we go to his house. Call the police on the way. We can’t waste time.” His voice is strained, and I know he’s hoping that we find Marnie too.
I nod, breathless, and then we’re running, and I’m phoning the cops.
“Yes, we think our friend’s been abducted,” I say, but I’m wheezing. My asthma.
Trevor holds out his hand for the phone.
I nod, hand it to him. My heart pounds.
“Yes, her name is Phia...” Trevor looks at me. “What’s her full name?”
“Sophia Byeon.”
“Yes, Sophia Byeon. And we think her boss—Mr. Richards atThe Red Panda,it’s a café, we think he has taken her. He’s who Marnie Wathem used to work for too, and she’s missing too—despite what those detectives say...”
I struggle to breathe as Trevor speaks. My heart pounds. It seems to take an age to get to the part of the town where the shops are. It’s a countdown. And I also don’t know if we’ll have to go to Mr. Richards’s house. Or where he lives.
Trevor and I speed up into a run, and he’s still talking to the police, panting out words, and—
Damien and Cara—they’re here? Walking by the café. Cara’s holding a Boots bag and Damien’s laughing as she says something.
My heart quickens. Are they... I inhale sharply as I see the way he’s looking at her. My stomach feels a little heavier.
“Why are you slowing?” Trevor barks at me. He’s still got my phone clamped to his ear.
I point at them. “My friends—safety in numbers!” And then I’m running.
Horror crosses Damien’s face when he sees me barreling toward him, and then Cara’s looking worried.
“Need your help!” I shout. “Phia’s in danger!”