Page 42 of Beyond the Blues

“You okay?” Alora asks, her face furrowed with worry.

“Yup, is there coffee anywhere?” I ask. Avery holds up a takeaway cup towards me, and I turn to the minibar and pour a heavy-handed shot of vodka in it. I can feel all their eyes on me, judging me. But I ignore it and continue to do it, anyway.

“I’m sorry. I can’t watch this anymore.” Scarlett storms out of the room, slamming the hotel door behind her. Alora and Avery awkwardly stand up and walk towards me, saying their goodbye and leaving as well. Alone, again. When I feel lonely, I just close my eyes and think of the times me and Ophelia spent together, and that if she were here, things could be different. In fact, if my family didn’t disown me, I feel like I’d be better for it, too. Not having anyone to phone home to and tell them how great the tour is, how surreal it is to basically be famous is just horrible.

By the time it hits the evening, I’ve drunk enough drinks to knock out a horse and my vision is blurry and my legs are wobbly. Playing the set was difficult enough, and I know I made a couple mistakes from the looks my bandmates shot me during the songs. When I walk offstage, one of my ‘flings’, Jessica, who I’ve slept with a couple times, comes strolling over, her heels clicking on the floor.

“Hello you.” Her American accent is strong.



“Enjoy the show?” I ask. Jessica places her hand on my chest, and her touch feels like she’s left a residue on me.

“Always babe.” She leans in and places a kiss on my lips. She pulls away and laughs and wipes her finger along my lips. Of course, she’s got her lipstick all over me, like a wolf protecting its territory. But I’m not hers. The only person I’d ever be for was Ophelia. My Ophelia.

“Nora, for fuck’s sakes!” Scarlett yells at me. For a second, it feels like it’s not even her speaking to me.

“What?” I am confused.

“Ophelia is here!” My heart drops and I instantly move Jessica to the side, scanning the room for Ophelia.

“Where?! Where is she, Scarlett?!” I ask

“She left, she saw you and this.” Scarlett points her finger to Jessica. “Excuse me, my name’s Jes-”

“I don’t care, and I never will, you fame whore.” Scarlett interrupts her. My hearts racing. Ophelia came all this way to see me, and without even speaking to her or seeing her, I’ve messed it all up.

“She’s staying at our hotel, go, I’ll text you the details.” Scarlett says, and without another word, I’m running to my driver as if my life depends on it. I need to see her. I need to explain. Losing her again is not an option for me.



Chapter 25

I sit in my hotel room feeling sorry for myself, a sad lukewarm glass of wine on the side, with a random reality show blaring on the TV. Scarlett has flooded my phone with messages, and a couple from Nora. Clearly she found out I saw her. I just can’t get over how different the girl was to me. She was blonde, short and dressed so glamorously, and then there’s me. I want Coco. She’d know what to do. She’d know how to comfort me.

*3 years ago*

I cry in my bed, tissues scattered around me. I can’t believe I’m sitting here crying so much over someone ghosting me. My door pings open and Coco is standing there, chocolates and Mamma Mia in her hand.

“Oh, come here.” She says, falling into my bed next to me. I cuddle up to her and she holds me to her side, stroking my hair. We rarely hug, or have any physical contact, only when either of us really needs it. Coco just knows when I need it.

“You know your mother-fucking Ophelia Greene, right?” Coco whispers to me. I look up to her, and her emerald eyes look down at me, the glint in them sparkling.

“Any person would be lucky to have you, Ophelia. You’re gorgeous, hilarious, kind, clever, the list goes on. I don’t pick friends easily, and yet you made the list. The top of the list even. Whoever gets to experience you and



the love you give is the luckiest person, right? So fuck this girl for ghosting you. She doesn’t know what she’s lost yet.”


I can feel my eyes getting heavy. Clearly the jetlag is catching up to me. I hear a knock at the door and get up swinging the door open. Nora is standing there, breath stinking of vodka, her eyes bloodshot and her hair a mess.