“He just apologized. He said he didn’t know. He had Chinese food with him. And a note. But I haven’t read it,” Isaid.
“Why haven’t you read it?” sheurged.
“I don’t know. I don’t think it will changeanything.”
“Or are you afraid it will change everything?” sheasked.
“I hate you,” Isaid.
“I know,” shesaid.
We picked ourselves up off the floor in unison and made our way over to the couch. Even with all that sleep, I still felt so tired. I was trying to keep going for Emma. I really did want this time withher.
“Is that it?” she asked, pointing at Samuel’snote.
“Yeah,” I said, not really looking directly atit.
“Looks like a little more than just a note,” she said, examiningit.
And she was right. In reality, it was a pretty thick little envelope. It definitely felt like more than one page. He’d underlined my name twice on the front. “Yeah,” I said, refusing to make eye contact withher.
“I think you should read it, Delilah. I think you’ll regret it if you don’t,” shesaid.
“Let’s go shopping,” I said. I hated shopping and Emma knew that but I wanted to do anything other than sit here and talk about his letter. Besides, I hear people talk about retail therapy all thetime.
“Okay, D. Okay,” she said, knowing full well if I was suggesting shopping, I was definitely done with this topic. She knew better than to push anyfurther.
So we went off to shop. For five longhours.
* * *
We got backto my house just after dinner time. The sun had all but set on this day, and I couldn’t be happier for it. The crisp evening air nipped at us as we hurried from the car to the front porch. I purchased a bunch of unnecessary things so my arms were full. Emma took my key and opened the door. I essentially fell inside, dropping the bags just beyond the swing of the door, and turned to see Emma still outside thedoor.
“You’re not coming in?” Iasked.
“No, I’ve gotta get home. I’m so tired and David is waiting for me,” shesaid.
I remembered the early days of pregnancy. You have all the energy and then you have no energy at all. “Okay, I understand. Get some solid rest, okay? You and the babe need it,” I said, leaning in to give my friend a much-needed tightsqueeze.
“I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” sheasked.
“Sure thing,” I said. Emma turned toward her car and began to walkaway.
I watched her take a few steps and then she whirled backaround.
“Oh, and, Delilah? Do me a favor and read the damn letter,” she stated. This wasn’t a request even though she called it a favor. Her tone definitely implied ademand.
I didn’t respond with anything other than a smallnod.
Sometimes I really wanted to dislike her but I never managed to accomplish that. In all the years I knew Emma, she never did anything to make me doubt her love and friendship. And she never steered me toward bad choices or led me down the wrong path in any way. I was having a particularly hard time with this considering her persistence in reading Samuel’s note. It meant she was probably right. It meant I probably needed to read it. And I really hatedthat.
I walked over to my couch and sat down in front of the coffee table again. I reached for a fortune cookie. Itread:
Nothing is ever as itseems.
Stupid fortune cookie.This is why you always need two. I reached for the second fortune cookie and ripped it open faster. Itread:
Forgiveness isstrength.