That’s what Hallmark is for. I’m looking for the dirty details.
How’s that slow burn romance treating you?
I thought you loved me. Why would you give me this book? And what does this author have against sex?
Just trust me. It’s worth it.
I gave my best friend one of my favourite slow burn romances. It’s got one sex scene at the end, but the tension building through the whole book makes it worth it. Don’t get me wrong, I do love an instalove, more sex than plot romance, sometimes. But I’m more slow burn or slow burn-ish, make me earn it, kind of romance reader. Meghan Quinn and Mariana Zapata are my faves!
There’s another slow burn with more sex in it I can give her, but I thought I’d go in the opposite direction that Dani usually reads as my first slow burn recommendation to her.
I’m fun like that.
Dani - Fine. But the next book you rec better have more sex or I’ll never forgive you.
Haruko - Don’t worry. It will. It’s funny too.
Anyway, want to get takeout and have a sleepover?
What are we? Twelve?
No. We’re besties! This is what besties do.
Okay. Calm girl. I’ll come over. You get the food. I’ll take whatever.
I put my phone down just as my bosses come from Elijah’s office. Elijah comes out last with a scowl on his face. His dark eyes scan the room and when they land on me, I give him a big smile.
He doesn’t smile back, but gives me a nod instead. Okay, that’s good. It’s better than ignoring me, which he does sometimes.
“Hey, Haruko,” Parker says, “Can you set up a meeting with Raymond Diamond please?”
“Yes, sir,” I say and shoot Mr. Diamond’s assistant an email asking for a meeting.
“We’re going to try your idea,” Parker says, then nods to Elijah. “He’s not a fan, but he was outvoted.”
“I just don’t like the idea of not having control over one of our own buildings,” Elijah grumbles.
“Well, we won’t have a building to do anything with if he doesn’t sell it to us. Just relax. It’s one building,” Nicholas says.
Elijah shakes his head but adds nothing. He says to me, “Well, just let me know when the meeting is.”
“Yes, sir.” I give him a thumbs up.
He grumbles, then goes to his office, shutting the door behind him.
“Don’t mind him,” Parker says. “He just needs to get laid or something.”
Ooh, can I help?
“Well, we’ll let you get back to work,” Nicholas says to me. I give both Nicholas and Parker a nod, they leave to go into their respective offices.
Their scents linger in the air, and I can’t help breathing deep.
They look good. They smell good. They’re great to work with.
Yeah, I have a crush on my bosses. I’m doomed.
Chapter 2