“I invited her to come with us.” I hold up a hand as Elijah’s mouth opens to speak. “And before you tell me how it’s a terrible idea, I just want to say I know that and I’m not taking it back. So, you two are going to ride in the back.” I nod from Nick to Elijah. “I’m driving and Haruko gets shotgun.”
Elijah and I are in a standoff. He looks like he’s about to argue when he looks over my shoulder. We all look at Haruko coming to us. Her red dress makes her look ravishing.
“If you don’t want her to come, it’s up to you to tell her,” I tell Elijah quickly as Haruko joins us.
“Hello, Nicholas. Elijah.” She nods to each man before grinning at me. “I’m so excited. And a little nervous.”
I chuckle. “It’s okay. Everybody is a little nervous their first time.” I look at the guys. “Well, I’m ready to go. How about you?”
My eyes lock on Elijah, giving him one last chance to end this. But I know him. He denies himself, thinking it will settle the craving, but he can’t. Not with her. And yes, as stupid as this is, I know he can’t say no because he wants this as much as I do. He’s as hooked on our assistant as Nick and I are.
A few beats pass before Elijah gives in.
“I’m ready,” he says in his deep bass.
I lead Haruko to the car and open the passenger side door. With my hand out, I let her hold me as she lifts herself into the car. Nick and Elijah get in the back. But before Nick gets in, he claps me on the shoulder and whispers in my ear, “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
I nod as I shut Haruko’s door and head to the driver's seat.
I’ll admit that I don’t fully know what I’m doing. I haven’t thought this plan through to the end, but the thing is, there is no plan. All I want is for Haruko to see this. This part of me shehasn’t seen yet. One I wished I could’ve shown her years ago, but for obvious—and still relevant—reasons, I couldn’t.
I pull out of the driveway, trying to keep my eyes on the road instead of on Haruko. I wish I could hear what she’s thinking. What is she expecting? Does she already know what she likes, or will she discover it tonight? How close to what I like does she like? I don’t even know if she already goes to a club like this, but I feel like she would’ve said something if she had.
God, now I’m rambling in my head.
I take a deep breath and calm myself.
It’s going to be fine.
It’s going to be fine.
We’re fine.
Chapter 8
I can’t believe whatI’m seeing. Haruko, our assistant, the woman I’ve been avoiding since we hired her, is in the front seat of Parker’s car as he drives us to Club Sin. Where she will be too. I shift in my seat for the third time and Nicholas notices. He gives me a look like “you could’ve stopped this” but I ignore it. Because yes, I could have, but I wouldn’t, and Parker knows it.
What’s making me feel even more off kilter is that I’ve had this vision in my head. The four of us headed to Club Sin for a datenight. A night of debauchery and fun. Orgasms and handprints on asses. Watching her come apart in my hands.
I adjust my dick in my pants before looking out the window, watching the city of Seattle go by.
I’ve lived in this city for years and yet I don’t recognize a lot of the stores here. Probably because I don’t go out much. I go to work. I go to the gym. I go home and sometimes I go to Club Sin. That’s it. I didn’t think about it that much until Haruko.
She would tell Parker about all the stuff she does in town, like shopping, going to art expos and markets. He would then relay those stories to Nicholas and I, and I’d be jealous. Jealous because of the connection Parker and Haruko have but also jealous about how she lived her life.
I was always like this, though. I was partial to the indoors as a kid and it stuck until adulthood. There’s just something so nice about sitting at home, opening a good book to get lost as the day goes by.
Of course, there became a lot less time for reading once I started working. Especially at the beginning, when Nicholas, Parker and I decided we wanted to be our own bosses, and that required making our own company. Those days were a grind, but it paid off. We now have a Fortune 500 company and people come to us instead of us going to them. Most of the time, anyway.
I recognize the road we’re on and I know we’re close to the club. My body tingles with anticipation and nerves. I’m more nervousabout Haruko not liking it than I am about her going to HR and telling them her bosses took her to a sex club. I hope she knows where we’re going. I wasn’t there for the conversation, so who knows what he told her? He wouldn’t manipulate her, so I’m thinking she knows.
Parker pulls into the parking lot, and we all step out.
We hear some music as we step inside. There’s a deep bass in the music that vibrates my body. I watch Haruko as she shivers and bites her bottom lip.
Fuck, I want to bite that lip.