“Oh, extra clothes. I’m going on a date tonight and I don’t have time to go home and change, so I thought I’d change here.”
“Ah, I see,” Parker says, and I can hear traces of what feels like disappointment.
“It’s not an inconvenience or anything. The bathroom here is nice and I just have to change into the dress and put on lipstick,” I say, thinking he’s disappointed that I’ll be working late. He’s always telling me I work too late, and it’s nice to know he cares about my beauty rest.
He looks up from the bag to my eyes as he shakes his head. “No, I didn’t mean that. That’s… that’s cool. So, who is the guy?”
Parker and I don’t talk about dates. I think this is the first time he’s asked me about anything date related and I’m getting a strange vibe from him.
“Um, some guy my friend set me up with. I’m going to meet him at The Hound Dog.”
“Nice. Do you have someone to call in case the date isn’t going well?”
I laugh. “Actually, yeah. Dani is going to call me half an hour into the date and tell me there’s an emergency of some sort. I can either tell her to not worry about it, which means the date is going well or I can tell her I’ll come over immediately if the date is going badly. ”
Parker nods slowly. “Good story.” He taps his finger against the desk, and I think he wants to say more, but he just smiles. “Well, I’ll see you later. Hope you have a great date and a great weekend.” And with that, he leaves.
I’m so confused.
Is he disappointed I’m going on a date? Why did he fake smile at me? I know Mister Golden Retriever’s actual smile and that wasn’t it.
Maybe he’s just having a day, and this has nothing to do with me. Maybe he hasn’t had a date in months and he’s jealous.
Maybe he wishes he could be my date. Fuck knows I’d like to be his.
But that isn’t going to happen. We’re coworkers and friends. Off limits.
But my God, would it be nice.
It’s nearing six o’clock and I log out of my computer. Nicholas and Elijah came up to the office shortly after my conversation with Parker and all three of them spent most of the day in Elijah’s office.
I can’t help thinking about that conversation, the vibe Parker left. I pick up my pack and head to the bathroom, replaying it in my head. It’s probably a him thing so I should just drop it, but I’m curious.
I set my bag on the sink and pull out my dress and makeup bag. I do quick work getting out of my white button up, black pencil skirt, and black blazer and into the dress. Luckily this dress has sewn-in cups, so I don’t have to put on a bra. It wouldn’t really look good, anyway. I reach my hand into the top and cup mybreasts, putting them in the right position to pop. I check myself in the mirror and when I’m happy with the look, I move on to touching up my makeup.
Looking at my watch, I see I’ve got fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant. It’s only one block away, so I breathe deep and take a minute to look at myself.
Red lips, black eyeliner, my hair is more wavy than curly now and my dress hugs my body in a way that makes me look like I have a shape. I’m built like a two by four. Straight up and down all the way. But with the right dress that’s the right size, I make it work for myself.
I grin at myself before getting embarrassed and tossing my stuff back in my bag.
Slipping out of the bathroom, I see the light under Elijah’s office is still on. The sounds of their muffled voices drift out and I consider telling them I’m leaving. I always do, but I’ve never done it looking like this—like the person I am when I leave the office. Well, not exactly. I don’t dress like a sexy vixen every day. I like a pair of simple, soft jeans and a T-shirt most of the time.
And then there’s Parker’s weirdness with our date conversation.
But I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. Just be casual. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.
I knock softly on Elijah’s door. A moment later, I hear a deep voice say, “Come in.”
I put all my bags on the ground before poking my head in past the door and see Elijah standing behind his desk, tie off and sleeves rolled to his elbows.
Fuck, what is it about that look that’s so sexy?
Parker also has his tie off and sleeves rolled. Nicholas sits on the couch, tie and cuffs undone.
They’re all staring at me.
I notice Elijah in particular looking at my mouth. I press my lips together, not noticing that I had them parted like a fish. “I… uh, I’m going now.”