Page 40 of Clonely You

Like it’s that easy? I make a face at him. “Oh sure. Now that you’ve said that, I’ll definitely just turn my brain right around and?—”

My words end in a squeak as he leans over and kisses the underside of my bare arm. I had no idea I was that sensitive there, but his kiss sends shockwaves through me.

“Soft,” Aithar murmurs. “You always look so soft to me and now I know you really are. It’s going to be impossible keeping my hands off you after this.” He leans in and brushes his lips over my elbow and then travels back down toward my armpit. He avoids it (which I’m strangely grateful for, because I don’t find them erogenous) and moves to my quivering breasts, then presses a kiss atop each one.

I suck in a breath, and my body pulses in response. My breasts feel tight, and the throbbing between my thighs feels stronger. I’m fascinated as I watch him move over my body. He holds himself upright over me, his weight propped up on his hands as he gently kisses his way over my torso. He moves over my shoulders, across my breasts, plants light kisses atop the peak of each one, then moves back over to my other shoulder. The underside of each arm is given light nips, and he reaches up once to tug on the bonds, as if reminding me that they’re strong enough to keep me in place.

“Are you still all right?” he asks between kisses. “Still enjoying?”

I nod, because I truly am enjoying myself. It’s nice to let him worship me—because that’s what this is. Aithar has made it clear that there’s no part of me that he doesn’t adore, and he wants to kiss every bit of me, stretch marks and all. “You can keep going.”

“Excellent.” He kisses along my breast again, then moves a tickling path down to my belly button. “This is a navel, yes?”

“Yup.” I’ve learned through my own explorations that he doesn’t have one, which was unnerving the first time I saw it.Now I just think it’s fascinating. I can’t picture how a’ani are created if they have no navel, but I guess there’s no need for an umbilical cord if you’re just cloned in a tube. Thinking about it reminds me of how different we are in our backgrounds, and it just makes me ache to love him more, because someone should. He deserves to be loved with fire and intensity, because he has so much love of his own to give in return.


I guess I’m in love with Aithar. It’s another thought that didn’t occur to me until just now, but once it does, it seems like the most natural thing in the world. Of course I am. How could anyone not love this sweet, endearing man?

“What’s the most sensitive part of you?” he asks suddenly, lifting his head.

Shifting on the bed, I can feel my cheeks getting hot. “Two areas, really. My breasts are sensitive, and between my thighs—especially my clit.”

“Then I will focus my efforts there.” He lowers his head and nuzzles the tip of one breast, and I gasp at the jolt of pleasure it sends through me. “Like that?”

“Just like that,” I agree.

He plays with my breasts, nipping and licking and sucking until I’m squirming on the bed under him. He’s fascinated by the shape of them and how sensitive they are, and just when I think he’s done and will be moving on to another part of my body, he’s back there again. I’m squirming and panting by the time he kisses his way back down my navel and then heads lower this time.

Yes, yes please. This is what I need.

Aithar gets a confident, wicked grin on his face when he kisses his way down to the tuft of hair between my thighs. I spread my legs for him, making a needy sound as I do.

He kisses the inside of my thigh and heads toward my knee.

Thattease. I cry out in frustration. “Wrong way.”

“Oh? I had no idea. I am new to all of this, you see.” The sparkle in his eyes tells me that he’s having fun, that he loves being in control. And I love it, too, but I’d love it even more if he would touch the parts of me that are throbbing with need.

“Then let me direct you.”

“No, that would be cheating.” He caresses my knee and kisses the inside of my thigh again. “You’ll just have to be patient.”

I make another pained sound. Patient. Right.

And yet I’m forced to be patient as he explores my legs, caressing my calf and thigh, touching me and stroking my skin. When he finally kisses the spot where my leg meets my sex, I whimper with hunger.

When he finally, finally kisses my pussy, I make the most needy sound I’ve ever heard come out of myself.

“You are very sensitive here,” he breathes, and I swear I can feel his breath on my skin. Then his mouth is on me, and he’s exploring and tasting, making appreciative sounds as he learns my body.

I have to bite my tongue, because I know if I tell him where to go and how to touch me, he’ll deliberately avoid following my instructions. I guide him with the sounds I make, crying out when his tongue moves over my clit. He makes a happy noise and focuses his attention there, until I’m panting and writhing on the bed. “You taste so good,” he tells me repeatedly. “My new favorite meal.”

An orgasm builds in my belly, quivering through me, and I rock my hips against his eager mouth until I come with a shriek, delighting and surprising myself.

So much for thinking I’d be too stressed to climax.

I collapse on the bed, panting, as he rests his cheek on the inside of my thigh. “You are so beautiful, my sweet dairymaid,” he murmurs, and instead of letting me recover, he casually dragshis thumb over my clit and begins to tease it. “Can you come for me again?”