Page 27 of Clonely You

“You are everything to me,” I reassure her, and pull her in close for a quick kiss. Her lips linger on mine for a moment, her gaze searching mine, and she tucks herself back in against me once more. I settle her in my arms, loving that this allows me to wrap myself around her and give her comfort. “So no barn burning.”

“No. Never.”

“Should we threaten her, then? Go to her farm and demand that she not make dairy products?”

“No, of course not. She’s allowed to do what she wants.” Michaela sighs heavily. “And she’s allowed to make money doing the same thing I’m doing. There’s no rule against it. I’m just panicking and having a bad day.”

“Because it has beenyourbusiness all this time,” I say gently, my thumb rubbing on her shoulder. “I understand. Perhaps you can talk to her and arrange an agreement so you do not step on each other’s toes? If she is doing a different sort of milk, youstay with your products and neither of you cuts into each other’s business.”

Her fingers play against my stomach and she’s quiet for a long moment. “That is an incredibly rational and calm way of seeing things, Aithar. Now that we’re talking, I’m embarrassed I flew off the handle like that. I know in my heart that everyone has the right to run their farm how they want. There’s no rule that says she can’t have a dairy farm and sell the milk. Or sell butter. I don’t have a monopoly. Hell, I can’t even keep up with all the orders I get. It’s just?—”

“You felt threatened.”

She sighs heavily. “Exactly.”

“I understand.” I press a kiss atop her head, onto her thick, curling hair. “But you will not lose what you have built here. If you want help to increase your butter production, I am happy to assist. More work is not always the answer, though.”

“I just…” Michaela takes a deep breath, and her fingers twitch on my abdomen. “I felt like I was in a good place in the last month. I wanted to stay there. And I’m afraid of things changing.”

“Because you are saving to retrieve your sister.” It is a guess, but a good one. It has been her goal all along, has it not? “And you worry that you will not have the funds to rescue her after all. I understand your fear. Would you like me to contact the bounty hunters I know of and ask what they would charge to locate a human slave?”

Michaela is quiet for a long moment. “Not yet.”

I hug her to me tighter. Such a generous female. To think that she is still protecting me after all of this. Truly, I do not deserve someone so unselfish. “Then shall I kiss you until you forget?”

She hesitates. “Can we just…talk tonight? I’m not sure I’m in the mood for more.”

“Of course.” I agree easily but at the same time, I worry. What if she no longer wants to use me for sex? What if she is done with me?

I need to speak to Zebah or Bethiah and get their prices. I need to give Michaela a reason to adore me enough to keep me around.




The day after my tantrum,I feel silly. Why did I think no one else would decide to have a dairy farm? Why do I care so much? It’s a big planet, and I’m sure there’s enough room for all of us here. Aithar’s suggestion to go and talk with the woman running the milk business makes sense. I’m sure we can come up with something mutually beneficial where we both make money.


He’s so darn sweet and thoughtful that I’m craving him worse than I’ve craved foods from home. I rolled over in bed this morning, reaching for him, and was disappointed he wasn’t there. Thing is, he’s never slept over. I’ve never asked, and he’s never pressed the issue. When he said he was going to let me set the pace, he absolutely meant it. He’s never pushed me for more than I can give. He’s been supportive and enthusiastic and let me set all the boundaries.

Yesterday was different, though. Yesterday, I didn’t hold him at arm’s length. Yesterday, he let me cry my silly frustrations on his shoulder without judging my reaction. Or rather, myoverreaction. He snuggled me for hours and reassured me and made me tea and dinner. We talked through the situation and never once did he make me feel ridiculous for my reaction.

And it was…really nice. I like that we can spend time together and it doesn’t have to be about sex. Or butter. It can just be about us being close. It can be about us talking.

I haven’t wanted anything like that in so long that wanting it now scares me a little. Haven’t I joked for the last month that I’m using Aithar for sex? And now I’m the one that’s getting all kinds of terrifying feelings. But as long as things stay where they are, I think I’ll be okay.

We can keep on going as we are and I’ll be quite content.

When Aithar comes over that evening, I greet him with a confident smile and a kiss. “Sorry about last night. I wasn’t myself. I’m feeling better today.”

“We’re going to burn down her barn after all? You strike me as a barn-burning type.” He grins to take the sting out of his words even as he sets down the container of food he brought for me. “I will make no judgments if you have changed your mind. Simply tell me what flammables to bring along in the air-sled.”

“No barn-burning,” I say, poking him in his cute nose for the teasing. “I’m going to take your advice and talk to her. Tomorrow, or the day after.”

He gestures at the door he just came through. “We could go tonight?—”