Page 22 of Clonely You

“I can wait,” she says sweetly, and just rubs her slick hands together, watching me. “Tell me when you’re composed.”

That might be never. The sound her wet palms are making as they slide against one another is doing terrible things to my control. I close my eyes and concentrate on controlled breathing, of inhaling for five seconds, and exhaling. After a few rounds of this, I feel less like I’m going to burst, and manage a tight nod.

“Poor Aithar,” she murmurs, and she doesn’t sound as if she sympathizes with me at all. She sounds pleased with herself. “You are far too much fun to play with.”

“Am I?” I love her flattery. I love that I’m making this enjoyable for her…somehow. Even if it’s just doing as she asks and clutching desperately at the chair I’m seated in. “I want you to enjoy our time together, because I know I am. Meeting you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“You’re sweet.” Michaela moves forward again, but she doesn’t touch me. She leans in and lightly kisses me.

Then those warm, slick hands of hers clasp my cock.

I suck in a breath at the sensation and manage to keep my control. Just barely. Nothing has ever felt so good. Even when I touch myself, it doesn’t compare to her slippery grip. Intense pleasure ripples over my body as she strokes my cock, getting it lubricated. I don’t see how anything can possibly be better than this?—

“How are you feeling?” She leans in and nips at my jaw even as she works my cock.

Am…am I supposed to be capable of answering? Is my brain supposed to be functioning? Because it is not. I can’t think of anything except for her touch, of the delicious skate of herfingers over my skin. Of her mouth, teasing against mine. “I…I…”

“Feeling good?” she asks again.

I manage a gasp.

“I’m gonna need you to answer, Aithar,” Michaela whispers against my skin. Her mouth glides over mine again, even as her hands tease along my shaft. “Because this is just the first part. We can stop here if you want, but I’d like to keep going.”

Oh,kef. “There ismorethan this?”

Michaela giggles, giving my cock a light squeeze before stroking down the shaft. “This is just the warm-up, babe.”

“I might die if it gets better than this,” I admit. “This exceeds my wildest dreams.Youexceed my wildest dreams.”

“You’re sweet to say that,” she replies and kisses me again. “Now this next part is going to be a lot. But you’ll hold on through it because I need you to, all right?”

As if there is any choice? She owns me in body and soul. If she asked me to remove my own arm, I would start chewing on it right now. “I can manage.”

“Good. I’m going to get up again, but I’ll be right back.” She gives me another kiss full of promise. “I hope you’re having as much fun as I am.”

“I might be having so much fun that things will be over swiftly,” I call out behind her, and love that she laughs aloud at my response. It’s nice to be myself and not have to temper my eagerness for fear of being “too much” for the female I am trying to impress. Michaela knows that I am eager and enthusiastic and she has not seemed bothered by it. Rather, she’s expecting it from me.

It’s just one more reason that I am now completely and utterly devoted to her.

She crosses to the far side of the living room this time, and when she returns, she holds a metal object that it takes me amoment to recognize. I should have known it immediately—she trapped my finger in it. It’s one of the auto-milkers she uses for her dairy-stock. I must admit, at the sight of it and her intense expression, I’m a little disappointed. “You want to trap my fingers again?”

“Not your fingers.” Michaela teases the rounded end of it down my chest. “Think…lower.”



Kef me. “You want to put that…on my cock?”

“I do. I saw how you looked at it.” She traces circles on my thigh with the end.

“How—how did I look at it?” I can’t recall, can’t think straight. I just remember that it sucked on my fingers, working them…and my sac tightens in response, a dribble of precum sliding down the head of my cock.

“Like you wanted to see what it’d feel like on your cock.”

“We candothat?”

“Only if you want to.” Her eyes gleam with excitement. “Do you?”