No tattoos. His ink stops at his wrists. And while it’s easy to get tattoos removed, something tells me that I don’t have to panic about this man. He’s who Aithar says he is. I breathe a sigh of relief.
Aithar squeezes my shoulder as if to say “See? All is well.”
“Hi, I’m Michaela,” I say, and hold my hand out. “Aithar’s friend.”
He holds his hand out, too, and instead of shaking my hand, clasps it in both of his and pumps it vigorously. It’s clear he has no idea how to shake a hand, which is kinda cute. “I am pleased to meet you, Michaela. My name is Dopekh. You are Aithar’s new love?”
I glance over at Aithar, and he flinches, just a little. “Boy, everyone sure likes to bring that up.”
“We are just teasing Aithar,” Dopekh replies, grinning at Aithar as if sharing a joke. “Since we have arrived on this planet, he has fallen in love six times in quick succession.”
“It’s not love because it’s not returned,” Aithar says, but his voice has lost some of its confidence. “There’s a difference. You know that.”
“I do.” For a moment, Dopekh looks miserable.
Before he can speak, another alien man approaches and slings an arm around Dopekh’s neck, heedless of the fact that the other man is holding a blowtorch. He’s got curling horns and gray skin and a thick, solid build and looks nothing like the vivid red a’ani. He grins at the two of us. “Look what we have here! Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for yet another colonist, Aithar? How many is that this month?”
“Hello, Salvotor,” Aithar says, and all the enthusiasm for this day seems to have leached from his tone.
The other guy has a goofy grin on his face and he leans in, eyeing the two of us.
He opens his mouth to speak again, but I’ve had about enough. It’s one thing for one person to rib Aithar about bringing a date. It’s another for the entire room of his “friends” to laugh at him. I put my hand up and silence this Salvotor before he can say anything else. “Excuse me, but what’s wrong with falling in love fast? Do you think I’m not deserving for someone to fall in love with me?”
“I—well—” Salvotor blusters, surprised.
“It’s a thing amongst humans, you know. Love at first sight. Look it up.” And I stare him down, daring him to say anything else.
Salvotor’s gaze flicks between the two of us, and Dopekh nudges him. “Sorry,” he says. “Didn’t mean to insult. Of course you’re worthy of having someone fall for you.”
“Then the same should be for Aithar.” I put my arm around Aithar’s waist and smile up at him. A little pretending can’t hurt. “Right, sweetie?”
The look of utter devotion and awe he gives me could melt all the butter in the land.
After painfully awkward introductions, some of the newly constructed tables are shoved together and we sit on benches while Ruthie and her boyfriend Kazex (another a’ani, but he looks less like a clone of Aithar and more like a closely related cousin) serve up fresh noodles with vegetables. They talk easily amongst themselves, trying to lure me into the conversation, but I keep my answers short. I’d rather listen in than participate. Maybe with time, I’ll be friendlier, but for now, I still can’t quite forgive all the teasing Aithar endured, even if it was sibling-like.
Strange how I’m suddenly championing the guy. Didn’t I set out today to use him to get the information on bounty hunters so I can find Rafaela? But I don’t bring any of it up. If I do, it’ll be obvious that I’m using him and I’m not interested in him romantically, and that doesn’t feel fair to Aithar. He’s taken enough punches today. I sit next to him and eat, listening to the chatter. It’s clear that Ruthie and Kazex are deeply in love, Dopekh watches Salvotor when he thinks Salvotor isn’t looking, and Ruth-Ann isn’t interested in anyone at the table. The mendon’t even flirt with her, and I’m not sure if it’s because she’s like a sister to them or if there’s something else going on.
It’s a pleasant enough dinner, but it’s also a lot to take in after years of self-imposed solitude. Everyone bickers like siblings and teases one another, and by the time the last noodles are scraped from the pot, I’m more than ready to go home. I don’t say anything because I don’t want to give them fodder to tease Aithar again, however well meant.
Eventually he turns to me, his gaze bright. “Before we go, you had something you wanted to ask my friends?”
It’s the opening I’ve been waiting for. I should grab it. Blurt out everything I can about Rafaela and how I need a bounty hunter. How I’ve been saving my credits and waiting for this day. But…it can wait another day, surely. There’s no need for me to step on Aithar to get what I want. I smile politely. “What flavors of butter were you guys thinking of?”
Ruthie all but squeals with delight, and suddenly she and Ruth-Ann are practically falling all over each other with suggestions. We talk about it and I promise to try a few herbed butters and deliver them in a few days. Aithar watches me curiously, clearly waiting for me to say more.
I yawn instead. “Gosh, it’s been such a long day. I must get up early to tend to my cattle. Aithar, sweetie, I hate to cut things short, but do you mind if we head out?”
“Not at all!” He rushes to get up from the table, offering me his hand to help me to my feet. “Let us take the sled back. It’s too far to walk.”
“Of course. Thank you.” I turn to the others. “It was lovely to meet you all. I’ll see you again soon.”
Salvotor’s gaze flicks between me and Aithar, and he looks ready to tease, but Ruthie reaches out and taps him on the back of the head with her hand, distracting him.
Just like siblings. I decide I like Ruthie a little more after that.
Aithar escorts me to an air-sled parked in front of the cantina. We’d walked here from my farm because the sun was high and the day was beautiful, but now it’s growing dark. The streets are deserted. A few lights illuminate walking paths, but there are no humans drifting about after dark and enjoying the sights. We’re changed people, those of us that live here, and the dark is no longer safe.
Once I’m settled in the air-sled, Aithar gets in on the driver’s side. He doesn’t start the vehicle, but instead turns to me and gives me a thoughtful glance. “You didn’t bring up bounty hunters.”