I am goingto be used for sex today.
This will be the greatest day of my life. No question.
My mood has been soaring ever since I returned last night. In my mind, I can still feel Michaela’s lips on mine. I can still taste her. Can still hear the soft little noises she made as our tongues touched. Kissing was incredible. No—kissingherwas incredible. She was confident and experienced and knew what she wanted, and I loved that. She didn’t make me feel like a fool for fumbling against her, simply guided me until I was comfortable.
I cannot wait for tonight.
Humming to myself, I head to the bridge for my daily shift. While some of the others have less to do when we’re docked, communications must still be monitored. Others in the crew have volunteered to take some of my shift, but I handle it most of the time anyhow. I’m not good with my hands like Dopekh, or clever with tools like Kazex. Comms will probably be quiet and I’ll spend most of the day with my thoughts focused on Michaela. It’s not a terrible way to spend an afternoon, if you ask me.
Ruthie’s at my station when I enter, slouched in her chair and studying the “cheat sheet” she has made for herself. It is a sheet of plas covered with scribbled translations of some of the most common Homeworld lettering. She is determined to learn the written language, as a great deal of the long-distance comms are not verbal. She takes turns at the comm unit like the others, and I encourage her work…especially when it means I will have free time later. I beam at her as I approach. “Good morning! Were you the overnight shift?”
She nods, yawning and stretching as she gets to her feet. “All is quiet. You’re in a good mood today. Date went well?”
“We kissed,” I tell her proudly. “And today she is going to use me for sex.”
Ruthie’s eyes get huge. She turns in the chair to regard me. “What?”
“Sex,” I repeat. “I am eager for her to utilize me in such a fashion.”
She tilts her head, staring at me in shock. “You know you’re being used? And you don’t care?”
I shrug. I do care, but I would not admit it to Ruthie. I am going to simply take things slowly and enjoy every day with Michaela that she gives me. I will savor her and not think too hard about what it means for the future. “She stated up-front that she did not wish for a long-term relationship. She is skittish, but I am fine with that.”
Ruthie’s brows crease and she leans against the comms desk. “Oh, Aithar. I was hoping she would be the one for you.”
“You were?”
“Hell yeah. All the butter we could possibly eat? She’s the most promising woman so far.”
Her enthusiasm makes me laugh aloud. “I shall do my best to please her, then.”
Ruthie gets up and moves to my side. She puts her hands on my shoulders and shakes her head. “You be happy for you. Don’t think about butter or anything else. You just enjoy yourself, all right? If you’re happy with her using you, then I’m happy she’s using you, too.” She smooths her hands over my shoulders, as if nudging away wrinkles. “I want what’s best for you.”
“And butter,” I joke.
This time she doesn’t joke with me. “No. Just for you. You’re like a brother to me and I hate to see you unhappy.”
I am touched by her words. “I can honestly say that I have never been happier.”
“Good!” She pats my arm. “The bridge is yours, then. All’s quiet.”
“My thanks. Will you be by to switch with me later? I am to meet Michaela again at sunset.” I try to hide my eagerness, even though the thought of seeing the beautiful dairymaid once more has me filled with longing. Will she smile when she sees me? Greet me with kisses? Or something else?
Ruthie grabs her clipboard and gestures at it. “It’s not our turn, but I’ll tell Kaz I want some extra lessons. We’ll get you covered, Aithar. No worries. Now tell me what you’re going to wear on your date.”
I glance down at my standard work uniform. “Clothes?”
“Not just clothes.Sexyclothes.” Ruthie rubs her hands together with excitement. “I think we should jazz you up.”