Zaire nods, melting into the crowd with practiced ease. I start to make my way towards the exit, but I stop. I can’t leave her. Not again. I turn, watching the bidding war continue.

"Sixty million!" Another voice calls out, and I recognize the thick Russian accent as one of Victor's associates.

Talon counters immediately. "Seventy million!"

The air in the room grows thick with tension, the excitement palpable. I can see the greed glittering in Natasha's eyes as she stands next to Vesper, her hand possessively placed on the small of her back.

I watch, my heart pounding, as the bidding war rages on. The numbers climb higher and higher, each new bid eliciting gasps and murmurs from the crowd. But amidst the frenzy, one thing stands out to me like a beacon in the night: Dmitri isn't bidding. Not one single bid.

My cousin, the man who's supposed to marry Vesper, sits there with a smug smile on his face, whispering occasionally to the blonde on his arm. It's as if he knows something we don't, and that realization sends a chill down my spine.

Talon, however, is in his element. He stands tall, his face a mask of calm determination as he squares off against two representatives from other European families. I recognize them vaguely - one from the Moretti clan of Italy, the other from theDurand family in France. They were also in the running for the marriage alliance with the Rossis, and now they're fighting tooth and nail for Vesper.

"One hundred and fifty million," the Moretti man calls out, his voice strained with the effort of maintaining composure.

"One seventy-five," counters the Frenchman, sweat beading on his brow.

Talon doesn't miss a beat. "Two hundred million," he announces, his voice ringing clear through the warehouse.

The room falls silent for a moment, the sheer magnitude of the bid sinking in. I can see the other bidders wavering, their resolve crumbling in the face of such astronomical sums.

But then, just as I think it's over, the Italian finds his second wind. "Two twenty-five," he croaks out.

Talon's eyes flash, and I can almost see the wheels turning in his head. He takes a deep breath, and I hold mine, waiting.

"Two hundred and fifty million dollars," Talon declares, his voice steady and sure.

The silence that follows is deafening. The auctioneer looks around the room, his gavel poised in the air. "Two hundred and fifty million going once...twice..."

I dare to hope, my eyes fixed on Vesper's still form on the stage. She hasn't moved throughout this entire ordeal, unaware that her fate hangs in the balance.

"Sold!" The gavel comes down with a resounding crack that seems to echo through my very bones.

Chaos erupts. Two burly men in black suits rush towards Talon, ushering him behind the stage. I watch him go, my heart in my throat. This is it. We've done it.

I feel a hand on my arm and turn to see Zaire. His face is grim, but there's a glimmer of triumph in his eyes. "Time to go," he says, pulling me towards the exit.


The two burlymen usher me backstage, their grip on my arms unnecessarily tight. The dim lighting and musty air behind the curtain is a stark contrast to the opulent auction room we'd just left. My heart races, not from fear, but from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I just bid 250 million dollars on a woman I barely knew, and now I am being led like a prized bull to the slaughter.

As we round the corner, I catch sight of the woman in the striking red dress who had been orchestrating this whole twisted affair on stage. She stands there, cool as ice, her perfectlymanicured nails tapping away at a tablet. Not a hint of emotion crosses her face as she looks up at me, as if selling human beings is just another day at the office for her.

"Congratulations on your...acquisition…Mr.?” she purrs, her accent thick, but one I cannot place.

“Blackwood. Charles Blackwood.” The casual way she refers to Vesper as a "purchase" makes my skin crawl, but I force myself to remain composed. I'm deep in the lion's den now, and one wrong move could jeopardize everything. Instead, I plaster on my most charming smile, the one that had gotten me out of more than a few sticky situations. “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced, Miss?”

“Natasha,” she purrs. The way she says her name sends prickles of dread through my body.

"I'm eager to finalize this transaction and be on my way."

She raises a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Patience, Mr. Blackwood. We must ensure the payment clears and all the necessary paperwork is in order before we can release your purchase to you."

My eyes dart around the cramped backstage area, searching for any sign of Vesper. But she is nowhere to be seen. The knot in my stomach tightens. Where had they taken her?

"I understand," I say, keeping my voice level despite the growing unease. "But I'd like to inspect my purchase now if you don't mind. Make sure she's as pristine as you claim. You know how fluorescent lighting can distort certain.. damages."

Natasha's lips curve into a cold smile. "All in due time, Mr. Blackwood. For now, if you'll follow me, we have some forms for you to sign."