Page 73 of Devil's Queen

“One of them was older,” Harlow begins. “He had gray hair and a beard. The other one seemed younger, but his face was mostly covered.”

“You’ve got to give me more than that to go on.”

“Why are you interrogating me?” Marissa’s voice is sharp with anger.

“Because Pike is dead,” I inform her grimly. “And the kids and my mother are missing.”

“Fuck!” Harlow and Marissa yell in unison.

“It’s them. They left the shop and came here. They knew we’d be there.” I turn to Rex. “Wolff has our family. They ransacked the shop to get us out of the way.”

A deadly expression crosses Rex’s face. “Tell me every fucking detail about the guys who sent you away. Every fucking detail.”

“It was two guys on Harleys. They had Zulu King cuts.” Harlow recounts their brief interaction. “They showed up here about an hour after you left saying that they needed extra hands down at the shop, and that you, Rex, sent them to cover the house.”

“I tried to call and text you to confirm, Remy, but you didn’t answer. Neither did Cheyenne or Maya,” Marissa adds. “We took their word at face value, and that’s on us.”

Pulling my phone from my pocket, my locked screen is filled with missed calls and texts. The guilt intensifies as I scroll through the notifications, realizing I had missed every one of their desperate attempts to reach me. My hands tremble as I clutch onto the phone, my mind racing to find a solution.

“Wolff played us like a fucking fiddle,” Harlow admits.

“We need to go after them,” I blurt out, my voice resolute despite the fear simmering within me. “He’s going to hurt them to punish us, Rex. Wolff is going to take away our family.”

“I won’t allow that to happen. We’ll find them, Rem. We just need a place to start,” Rex tries to reassure me.

Harlow is on her phone, texting away. “The club is on the way. Maya called your stepbrother. Beau is awaiting orders. Do we know where he’d take them?”

“Mama’s phone. We can track that, right?”

“We could, Remy, but she’d have to have it on her, and it would have to be on,” Marissa answers.

I rush past them into the kitchen, where Mama’s purse usually sits if she’s home. I find it near the backdoor. Dumping out the contents onto the counter, my heart sinks when her phone slides onto the marble countertop. The chance of using it to find them slips away with the sight of it.

“Jellybean,” Rex mutters behind me, pulling out his phone.

“What does a stuffed elephant have to do with this?”

Rex’s fingers fly over the phone screen, his eyes glued to it intently.

“There’s a tracker in Jellybean. When I went upstairs, it wasn’t there.”

Marissa raises an eyebrow at him. “You put a tracker in your kid’s stuffed animal?”

Rex doesn’t look up as he replies, “I’d have chipped her with one at birth if I could. This is the next best thing. Birdie doesn’t go anywhere without that elephant.”

Suddenly, Rex’s face lights up with excitement. “Shit! It’s on. I have them.” His fingers move even faster over the screen. “They’re on the move.”

Rex shows me the screen. A dot with Birdie’s face is moving at a high rate of speed on the screen. “They’re still in New Orleans.”

“For now,” Marissa offers. “We need to move fast before that changes. Can you send us that tracker’s location? I’ll get it to V and Maya. They can be our eyes in the sky.”

Rex’s finger hits a button on the tracker app, and a whooshing sound plays as he Air Drops it to Marissa.

“On it,” she answers once she receives it. “Hang tight. The Queens are already on their way here. Harlow hit the panic button.”

“We can’t just sit here and wait.”

“I know that, Remy, but you can’t just go charging in, their guns blazing. We need to have boots on the ground and a plan.”