“I’m pretty sure your bosses will come for the party. Just know, Jase, I want you here with me and Kayley as much as I can have you.”

Jase contemplated his comment for several minutes but before he could answer, he heard Dan beginning to snore softly, so he moved from beneath the man to settle him on the bed. He went to the bathroom to clean himself and returned to clean up Danny, which was a new thing, because Jase had never felt the need to care for anyone as he did Danny. Love brought all kinds of new feelings, and Jase was looking forward to experiencing every one of them.

Waking at six in the morning wasn’t fun, but Jase had adjusted to life on a farm and his internal clock went off at the same time every day. He turned to see his handsome companion was still asleep, so he slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom, looking at himself in the bathroom mirror in all his naked glory before he closed the door so as not to disturb Danny.

“Well, you sorta had sex. Now what? You need to do some studying up before the next time you get into bed with that man because you don’t want to disappoint him… or yourself. He’s probably a top and you know he had a lover recently. You don’t know how many came before but does it matter?” Jase was whispering to himself, trying to decide if he needed to shave. Before he’d come up with a response, there was a knock on the door.

“Can I come in? I really need to pee.” Jase laughed as he opened it, seeing Danny dancing a little bit on the other side.

“Go.” Jase stepped to the side.

Dan rushed into the room, so Jase left him to his privacy as he went back to the bedroom. He pulled out clean boxers, jeans, and a T-shirt.

Jase needed to speak with Mickey and Jon to see when they wanted to return to Dillwyn. It was Saturday morning, and he knew Danny was going to want to go to the ranch to check on things since he hadn’t gone the day before because of the funeral.

What would Jase do while Danny was gone? He was determined to go through Dan’s burgeoning fridge and put expiration dates on some of the food, so Dan and Kayley didn’t get food poisoning. He was also looking forward to spending some time with Kayley before he had to go home. Jase would miss the little firecracker when he went back to Wonderland.

After he was dressed, Jase walked downstairs, hearing the television was already on. When he arrived in the living room, he was surprised to see Kayley sitting with a man who looked like a younger version of Dan.

Jase had seen the man at the funeral home the previous day, though they hadn’t been introduced properly. “Um, hi?” Jase hated that his voice sounded nervous.

Kayley hopped up to scramble over to Jase, taking his hand. She was wearing pink and white pajamas with some kind of bear on the front, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail at the back of her head. She had a bright smile on her face. “This is Uncle Zach. This is my Jase.”

“Yeah, uh, I saw you yesterday. Well, he’s got himself a young one which explains why he’s been acting like a damn child. It wasn’t cool of him to try to throw me outta the funeral home. Hell, if Mrs. Simmons hadn’t tracked me down, I’d have missed the whole damn thing because Dan’s a fucking asshole. Where is Bitchy McCrabby?” Zach asked.

Aside from the crack about Jase’s age, Zach was funny. The man made a point, as Jase had witnessed the confrontation in real time.

“Look, I’m sure not going to get between you and your brother, but I’m glad to finally meet you, and I’m sorry I didn’t know how to get in touch to give you details. In Danny’s defense, he’s been a little overwhelmed with everything that’s happened.

“That doesn’t make up for him not calling you about your mother’s arrangements, but I’d appreciate it if you’d give him a little slack.” Jase was willing to fight for his man, but he wasn’t going to be the cause of a family war.

Zach stomped a little, making Kayley laugh. “Dammit, why’d you have to be nice? This would be so much easier if you were an asshole.” Zach smiled at him and extended his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jase, is it?”

Jase heard the shower upstairs, so he determined it was his place to play host. “Why don’t we go into the kitchen. I smell the coffee already, but I know one of Mrs. Johnson’s church friends brought over something called a breakfast casserole with instructions, so I’ll put it in the oven.” Jase took Kayley’s hand and led her into the kitchen, happy that the brother, Zach, had followed.

“Plates?” Jase asked as the little girl pulled over a small ladder.

“I set the table, Jase.” Kayley gave him a stern look, planting her flag on the task she’d been given.

“Yes ma’am,” he responded as he kissed the top of her head before he went to the fridge and moved things around, having to pull out a lot of food containers.

Zach walked over and began perusing the offerings, laughing a little. “I’ll take back to DC what won’t fit in Dan’s freezer.”

“Oh, do you live in DC? What’s that like?” Jase and Danny hadn’t really talked about Dan’s family much, which was another thing they needed to get out of the way.

It was funny how Jase fell in love with a man who he knew almost nothing about, but he figured he could rectify it over email during the months apart. It would also give him a chance to do some research regarding man sex so the next time he had Danny naked, he’d be able to do more than hump the guy.

“It’s okay. My girlfriend and I live in a row house on Capitol Hill. We both work for Senator Spencer Brady from Virginia who’s up for reelection this year. I graduated with a degree in political science, thanks to Dan, mostly. He helped pay for my school when he could, and if it wasn’t for him, I’d likely be stuck here in this half-assed town.” Zach didn’t seem happy to be there.

Jase found the casserole he was looking for in the fridge. There was a piece of paper taped to the foil, and as Jase read it, he saw it was the baking instructions.

After reading them, Jase turned on the oven to the dictated temperature. He then pulled out some juice and milk, placing them on the table. There were four place settings, thanks to Kayley’s diligence, but a thought occurred to Jase. “Is your girlfriend with you? Where are you staying?”

“Amy couldn’t come because her parents were in from New York. I stayed with a friend from high school last night because Dan wouldn’t even talk to me at the cemetery after that shit at the chapel.” Zach seemed angry, and having witnessed it, Jase could understand why.

“And I’da thought you got the hint.” Jase turned to see Dan standing at the doorway looking pissed off. Zach turned to face his brother, marching forward to embrace the man in a tight hug—or so Jase assumed.

Both men began sobbing, so Jase picked up Kayley and left them to their privacy. They had some things to work out, and he hoped they would. Danny didn’t have a mother, but he had a brother and a daughter, and they all needed each other.