I passed my test! You're dating a man with his high school equivalency, and I signed up to take a few classes at New River. I'd have never done it without your encouragement.
Love ya,
Jon sniffed, feeling his emotions get the better of him. He knew it was because of Mickey. He'd never been as touched by anything in his life, and he was going to make damn sure they had a celebration in honor of Mickey's big news. Hell, Jon was determined they'd celebrate the most trivial milestones thatcame along. As long as he had Mickey with him, every day was worth celebrating.
Chapter Twenty-two
"Why on earth are we stoppin' at the damn flower shop?" Danny Johnson did what he did best—he complained.
Mickey just chuckled at his cantankerous attitude, especially considering Dan was still a young man. Kayley was in the back seat of the crew cab in a booster seat Mickey had bought for Megan. Dan didn't have a sitter that weekend, so they'd allvowed to pitch in to help him out with his niece since Zach was still in DC and couldn't get away.
"Ixnay on the ussin'cay.” Mickey slapped Dan on his thigh.
They'd gotten to be damn good friends since their night of drunken bonding, and Mickey had babysat Kayley a few times so Danny could go to Roanoke. The man never said why he went, just that he needed to go, and Mickey supported his friend.
Of course, the trips stopped altogether about two weeks prior, and Danny had been in a pissed-off mood ever since. Mickey had asked him what was going on, but the man was like a damn vault. He wouldn't entertain questions regarding his personal life from anyone, so he just walked away when he didn’t want to talk.
"We need to pick up the table centerpieces for tonight. The new florist in town, Felipe, called this mornin' to say his delivery van had an accident yesterday, so he'd make a few trips out to bring everything, but he might be late. Tim went into a panic attack and told the man we could stop by and pick up stuff because we have the truck. The other boys have the tables and chairs, so we're gonna get the flowers. Why are you so damn crabby?" Mickey was exasperated by his friend's mood.
Danny glanced over his shoulder to the back seat before he turned to Mickey. Kayley had Mickey's iPhone and was listening to music with earbuds in her little ears, so Mickey hoped Danny would be honest.
"My Aunt Rae called me and wants me to give her custody of Kayley. I talked to my mom about it, and she said she thinks it's best for Kayley, but I just… Sweet Pea's lost her momma, and she lived with my mom for three years before Mom got cancer, and now she lives with me.” Mickey could see the worry on Danny’s face.
“And you don’t want her to live with your aunt?” Mickey wasn’t sure what to say. Based on Danny’s expression, it was a touchy subject for sure.
"I'm afraid if I send her to live with Aunt Rae, that poor little girl is gonna think she's got nobody to count on. Momma said every little girl needs a mommy, and obviously, I'm not a mommy, nor am I the mommy-type. Hell, the only experience I had with kids before Kayley came to live with me was Ryan. I'm at a loss of what to do.” Danny’s confession was heartfelt, as evidenced when the man wiped his eyes.
Mickey put his hand on Danny's arm that was resting on the console. "Dan, I won't say little girls don't need mommies, but I firmly believe what a kid needs more than anything is someone—man or woman—who loves ‘em and lets ‘em know they're the most important thing to somebody.
“Why don't you talk to Jon? He's damn smart, and if you don't want him as your lawyer, his best friend is one of the other best family law attorneys in the state. I can get ya her number so you can call her next week.” Mickey squeezed Danny's forearm before he returned his right hand to the steering wheel.
Danny sniffled, and Mikey glanced over in time to see the gruff man wiping his eyes again. "Come on, that can't be all that's botherin' ya. You might as well tell Uncle Mick all that ails ya. I can't fix your life if I don't know what's wrong.”
Mickey was teasing in hopes of easing the tension. The weekend was meant to be filled with love because it was a wedding weekend. Mickey didn’t want Danny’s dour mood to drag things down.
"I helped my ex move to Roanoke for a new job a while back. That's where I went those times you watched Sweet Pea for me. I guess I always thought we'd work somethin' out in the long-term and get back together. I just found out that's not gonna happen. I didn't realize a heart could fall out of love so fast as to moveon in about six weeks. I couldn't make a commitment because of Mom being sick and me having Kayley, but I thought we were just takin' a break. Seems I'm the fool this time.”
Mickey felt his heart in his throat. Hearing the broken sound from Danny made his chest hurt. “I’m sorry, Dan. What’s the diagnosis for your mom?”
"The doctors told us Mom's cancer is gettin' progressively worse, even with the chemo and radiation. Zach and I are gonna put her into a nursin' facility, and that decision is eatin' at my gut. I'd take care of her if I could, but she needs a lot of help, and it's all I can do to keep up with Kayley, right now.
"Fuck, it might be better if Aunt Rae takes Kayley. I'm a broke down cowhand with a steel rod in my leg, Mick. I'm twenty-seven, and I feel like I'm eighty. I'm just ‘bout ready to throw in the towel and move off into the mountains somewhere.”
Mickey pulled into the parking lot of the strip mall where the new flower shop,Florals by Felipe,had opened a month prior. Before he could respond, they both heard the seat belt click in the back.
Mickey's phone was dropped into the front seat, and a very sweet gasp came from Kayley. "Oh, can we go see the pretty flowers? I love flowers," the girl whispered as she looked over the bucket seat, out the window of the truck to the storefront window.
There were daisy chains painted around the edge of the large, front window in a whimsical fashion, and the name of the shop was done in pink and black. Mickey thought it looked cute. "Yes, ma'am, Miss Kayley. We're goin' in there to pick up stuff for Timmy and Matt's rehearsal dinner tonight."
Without waiting for Danny to respond, Mickey hopped out and adjusted his ball cap. He opened the back door of the truck and picked up Kayley, placing her on the ground because she didn't like to be carried, unlike the new love of his life, Megan.
That child loved to be carried when anyone would oblige her, and Mickey knew he would take the opportunity to spoil her every chance he could. She was amazing.
Kayley hiked up her jeans and pulled down her shirt as she quickly walked to the front door of the establishment. Before Mickey or Danny could get to her, she was inside. Mickey turned to the truck to stare at his friend. "Well, come help me, lazy ass."
Danny rolled his eyes before he hopped out of the truck and followed Mickey and Kayley into the shop. Mickey glanced around once he was inside, seeing there were various fresh arrangements on display, along with some silk arrangements interspersed with fancy, little knickknacks.