"How the hell did you know that?" Jon had heard people say they could tell a horse’s age by looking into their mouths, but he'd never actually seen it done.

Mickey laughed. "I have to keep some mystery about me, counselor. Let's get up to the house. I'm hungry."

They walked out of the barn, intentionally bumping into each other like they were twelve or so. There were questions to ask and answer and plenty of things to discuss regarding whether they could find that promising common ground.

There was also the distance from Richmond to Holloway, and so many other things to consider. If Jon concentrated on all the negatives, he'd just get in the Mercedes and go home.

But then, on the other hand, there was the bright smile and quick wit of Michael Warren. There were the greenest eyes Jon Wells had ever gazed into, and there were things he wanted to discover about the man, including what he hid in those Wranglers. It had driven him batshit crazy, and Jon hoped to get up-close-and-in-person with the contents of the man's jeans—which also hugged that incredible ass so well. Jon was officiallyon the hunt when it came to Mickey Warren. He prayed he didn't make a fool of himself, but he decided he wasn't going to be afraid, and he damn well wasn’t going to hold back.

"You've ridden that gorgeous horse, and you didn't even call me?" Allison scolded as they ate in the kitchen. Ursula had prepared steaks with sautéed mushrooms, baked potatoes, and broccoli in brown butter and shaved garlic. There had been a small salad, and Jon knew there was pie, because he'd smelled it baking when he'd come into the house to show Mickey to his room upstairs. Hell, the house had many bedrooms, but he put Mickey across from him because he wanted them to be able to have a sorely needed conversation. Jon had been fucked up for too long after his visit to the Circle C, and he couldn't get Mickey Warren off his mind. It was time to fish or cut bait.

"Mom, Michael was daring me to ride Charlie, thinking I was some sort of a greenhorn or something. He's a wonderful ride, trust me. It's like sitting in a glider.” Jon continued to eat the magnificent meal Ursula had prepared before she left for the evening.

Allison turned to Mickey and smiled. "Why does he call you Michael? I thought you told me everyone calls you Mickey. I don't want to offend you.”

"Oh, no, ma'am. You couldn't…"

Jon spoke up. "I call him Michael because that's his given name, and as far as I remember, he never gave me leave to address him as anything else. Anyway, why don't we clear the table and go to the barn. We can saddle Charlie, and Michael canride him first. If the horse seems comfortable, then maybe you can take a spin?"

Mickey swallowed and gulped at the glass of beer next to his plate. "Miss Allison, I'm sure you're a fine horsewoman, but Charlie's sorta—"

Ham laughed, interrupting Mickey. "Did you tell him about your mother's trophies?" He then turned to Mickey and grinned. "Young man, I'm pretty sure aside from a bronc, Ally can hold her own on that stud. She holds her own with this stud, and I bet that horse ain't got nothin' on me.”

Mickey cracked up, and Jon started laughing as well. His parents were pretty damn great. He only hoped they would remain sogreatwhen he told them he wasn't going to marry Audrey Langley because she was engaged to Lyla, her roommate.

Jon needed to finally come clean with them about what he wanted in the future, and it wasn’t Audrey for a wife. He’d carried the lie far too long, and watching Mickey interacting with his parents, he had the feeling things might not be as bad as he assumed. Only time would tell…

A soft knock on his bedroom door brought a smile from Jon. He hesitated for an instant, deciding whether to lay his cards on the table and tell the young man he'd like a chance at maybe more than one night, or to gently explain to the young cowboy all the reasons why they were wrong for each other.

Although, as Jon thought about it, maybe he wasn't thinking straight. He remembered back to when they were all down at the barn, and he smiled. After his mother rode Charlie, she agreed he was a good fit for her mares.

Jon opened the door to find Mickey standing in front of him in a pair of sweats and a bare chest. His hair was wet, which Jon expected because the man had said he was going to shower, almost like an invitation. Of course, Jon felt they had too much air to clear, so he didn't join him, opting to use the other shower down the hallway.

"Come in," he invited as he took Mickey's warm hand, pulling him inside the room so he could close the door.

"Look, we were both played, okay? I talked to Tim, and he pushed Ronni into contactin' your mother. This ain't gotta have one thing to do with us, okay? Charlie can breed those mares tomorrow and Monday mornin' before I load him up to take him home. You, my friend, are welcome to leave here without one regret," Mickey explained to him.

It was time for a decision, one way or the other.

Chapter Thirteen

Mickey stood in the doorway of Jon’s bedroom, not sure what else to say. He'd given the man an out, and he expected him to take it. The news Jon was gay wasn't that much of a shocker. Mickey had hopefully deduced as much, even if he doubted his gaydar. How they'd proceed from that revelation was the biggest question.

Mickey exhaled. "Look, Jon, I'd never, ever out you. You have parents who love you, and I envy that. You come out when you're ready, if you’re ever ready.” Mickey wished with everything inside him that he could just kiss Jon one last time.

Jon chuckled as he took a seat on the bed. "I used to lay here and dream about a day when I'd be able to bring a boyfriend out for the weekend, and we'd go swimming or ride horses through the woods surrounding the property. I like to pleasure ride, which is why Mom keeps Hercules, but I've let other stuff get in my way. I've let my worry over how my parents would take the news I'm gay shadow everything I do in my life.

"Hell, Audrey's engaged, and she hasn't told her parents yet because I'm not ready to tell mine that she and I won't be getting married and giving them grandchildren. How fuckin' sad is that?" Jon asked with a humorless chuckle.

Mickey could tell Jon was angry about something, but he was pretty sure it wasn't his fault. Obviously, Jon had some shit to sort with his parents, and some unresolved issues he probably needed to think about. "Look, Jonny, I'm not tryin' to take over your life. I just… Well, you have things to discuss with your parents. I sure as fuck ain't gonna interfere.”

Jon looked down, bending forward to rest his elbows on his thighs as his hands covered his handsome face. Mickey could see he was in a bad spot, so he decided to attempt to ease some of the tension by taking a seat on the bed next to him. "Dude, seriously, this ain't that complicated. Your momma wants to breed Charlie to her mares, so I'll make sure it happens tomorrow, and then on Monday mornin' before I take him home. It's likely we won't run into each other again…" Mickey tried to alleviate the man’s anxiety. He’d lived Jon’s fear and knew how hard it was when people you loved turned their back on you.

Jon turned to him and pushed him down onto the bed, straddling his hips. "I have it on good authority that if I askenough questions, I'll find something in common with damn near anyone I ever meet, so Michael Warren, are you in an exclusive relationship at the moment?" Jon knelt over Mickey.

Of course, Mickey was nervous. "N-N-No. Not for a while." A tender smile crept across Jon's lips which he appreciated. He placed his hands over Jon's thighs, squeezing gently.

The lawyer relaxed a little. "Okay, that's a start. I'm not either right now, but that doesn't mean I'm looking for exclusivity or anything. I'm very attracted to you physically, Michael. Unfortunately, I'm not ready, nor do I really have time, for a monogamous relationship, but that doesn't mean we can't spend some time together when we're both available, or maybe just tonight.”