Monogamy was a rare concept, and it didn't work with too many species—maybe penguins and swans, from what he remembered from his time in school.

Other than that? The rest of the animal kingdom went out and fucked, likeanimals. It was nature's way, and Jon wasn't about to question his place in the hierarchy. He wasn't one to settle down.

Chapter Seven

Mickey felt a hand on his shoulder, so he turned to see Matt Collins with a big grin. "Damn, hecanride, can’t he? Who'd a thought the city boy knew his way around a big stud?"

They were watching Jon Wells riding Charlie, and the man had a good seat in the saddle. It seemed as if he knew how to make the horse gait better than Matt, and both men recognized it.

Mickey smirked and looked at Matt. “Well, it remains to be seen how he is around a stud, I guess, but based on what I’ve seen, I’d say it ain't his first time on a horse.” Mickey couldn’t hold his laugh at his own joke.

"How the hell did he end up on the back of Charlie in the first place?" Mickey sensed the protectiveness in Matt’s voice, so he needed to reassure the bull rider Jon had extensive experience around horseflesh. They'd talked about it that morning as they cleaned up around the barn and had a cup of coffee. John had told him the story.

"My mom has three hunter/jumpers and three dressage horses at their place in Dillwyn. I still have a horse there I ride for pleasure when I go out. He's about ten now, but he gets exercised the same as the other horses on the property, so he’s happy and healthy. With my schedule, I don't get out there as much as I’d like. I haven't ridden him in about a year, but I'm sure he's living large.” Jon grinned.

"So, you ain't ridden anything in about a year?" It was laden with innuendo, but Mickey was getting a vibe from the lawyer he wasn't about to ignore.

"Over the last year I haven't been the one doing the riding, Michael.” Jon’s smirk told the story.

It was all Mickey needed to hear. "Never? I don't mind a ride every now and again, just for the sake of mixin' shit up. Sometimes, you need a good, rough ride to set your mind straight, or so I find."

The man swallowed and discreetly adjusted himself, so Mickey continued, happy to witness the effect his words were having on the handsome lawyer. "You think you’re man enough to ride Charlie? Now, mind ya, he's a good horse, but he's a go-er. He needs a strong man to handle him. You think you’re man enough to take a spin?"

The lawyer chuckled. "I think I can handle just about anything you throw my way, cowboy."

Mickey laughed with him and led Charlie out, saddling him up and hoping he wasn't misjudging the hot lawyer with the bedroom eyes. As he watched the man riding the horse around the upper pasture, he could see Jon Wells wasn't joking. He was a good horseman in his own right. Mickey had been impressed.

"His mother rides dressage and show jumpers. He actually grew up around horses, and his folks have a place in Dillwyn. He has a pretty good seat, don't ya think?" Mickey glanced at Matt.

Matt laughed. "You think he'd have a better seat on you?" The bull rider turned to Mickey and gave him a gentle punch in the arm.

"All’s I'll say, boss, is I'd like a chance to find out, but I sure as hell wouldn't mind ridin' the stallion first.” It was the truth, and he hadn't slept much the night before because he wanted to go across the hall and settle it in his mind once and for all if Jonathon Wells was gay, straight, or somewhere in between so Mickey might get a chance at him. He'd seen the bulge in those sexy jeans, and it was driving him insane with curiosity.

Oh, he'd respect Tim and Matt's rules about no random fucks under their roof, but it didn't mean he wouldn't fixate on it.

After Jon rode Charlie around the pasture, he rode the horse into the barn and hooked a lead on his halter before he began to unsaddle him. Mickey was in the office, watching the man through the open door, admiring Jon’s sexy body as he worked.

Mickey had no idea how to even begin to approach a man like Jon Wells. Never in his life had the cowboy been attractedto anyone as intelligent and refined. While he was intensely fascinated, he was sure the lawyer was well out of his league. He was intimidated, but enticed.

The phone rang, and Mickey answered, not thinking about the people in the house who were also able to pick up the line. "Circle C. This is Mickey."

"Hi, Mickey. This is Rocky. Is Mr. Matt there? Somethin's wrong with my momma, and I don't know what to do. Maybe him or Mr. Tim could come help?" Mickey noted the panicked sound of the boy’s voice, so he didn't hesitate to get more information.

"It's okay, Rocky. Tell me what's wrong with your momma? Is she breathin'?" Mickey pulled out his cell and sent a text to Tim.

Tim—Rocky’s on the line. Miss Cindy’s sick. Should we go to town? Mick

"Yeah, but it's loud. She was in the kitchen makin' breakfast, and she fell. She hit her head on somethin’, and there's a lot of blood. I heard the crash, so I got up to see what happened, and I found her in the kitchen. I shaked her, but I can't wake her up. Tell me what to do, Mick.” The boy’s voice was a whisper, but Mickey heard the desperation.

Mickey took a deep breath, trying to slow his mind enough to calm the boy to ensure he was safe until they could get to him. "Okay, is the stove on? If it is, turn off the burners first. I'm callin' 9-1-1. They'll be there in a hot minute, bud, and we'll be there as quick as possible. Just stay with your momma and hold her hand so she knows you’re okay. I'm gonna hang up, but I'll call ya right back. Just stay with me, Rock."

They'd entertained Rocky at the ranch many times, and Mickey liked the kid a lot. He was Ryan's best friend, and Matt and Tim had done things for Cindy Whipple she didn't even know about.

Mickey also knew the woman was gravely ill, having been diagnosed with MS which was serious, or so he’d surmised by the look on everyone’s faces when it was mentioned. He knew everyone at the Katydid and the Circle C looked out for her as much as she'd let them.

Cindy was a damn proud woman, and her parents were worthless pieces of shit, having abandoned her and Rocky because his father wasn't white. The story broke Mickey's heart, but people were generally worthless as shit, as he'd discovered over his lifetime.

"Please hurry. I'm a-scared, Mick.” Suddenly, the phone went dead.