When he saw the bottom line, Jon’s eyebrows nearly shot up into his hairline. “$7,509,341.00 (rounded to the nearest dollar).” He nearly lost the delicious dinner Mickey had served earlier.

"Holy shit! I had no idea… Matt, you didn't…" Yes, Jonathon Wells was dumbstruck.

"Hey, we only found out before the end of the year, and after Tim studied it, he decided to sell a few properties and donate his old house in New Jersey to charity. He did some investing to diversify his portfolio and here we are, right?" Matt turned to Tim, who smiled and nodded.

Jon cleared his voice. "Okay, so what can we help you with? What would you like to accomplish?" He'd given up all thoughts of trying to wrestle the work away from Ronni Turnberry. She was much more astute in dealing with trusts and financial planning than he'd ever hoped to be. Family law was his specialty.

"We want the two of you to work together to ensure everything is in both of our names so all our holdings are jointly owned. In the event anything happens to one or both of us, we want to be sure our son is covered. We don’t want anyone to believe they have any claim to anything we own except Matt, Ryan, and myself.”

Tim stared at the two of them and grinned when Ronni and Jon nodded. “Sure.” “Of course.”

“Aside from all of that, I want to set up a separate, irrevocable trust for Ryan, hopefully for his college tuition, but if anything would happen to break up Matt and me, I want to ensure Ryan would have the funds available for whatever he might want or need. We want to prepare wills, too, so we thought you could work together toward an end goal. I'm sure it's not unusual for two lawyers of your caliber to work together on such a small matter, but we'll pay retainers and whatever additional fees are necessary. We want everyone to feel comfortable with the outcome. We don't want to lose either of you.”

Tim turned to Jon. "I'd like to patent, copyright, or trademark my new computer inventory and ordering system, whateveroffers me the most protection. Do you have people who can handle it at Langley & Wells or should Clauson handle it?"

Ronni spoke up. "We actually don't have intellectual property expertise at the firm, but I'm sure Jon and I can come up with some great IP counsel in the area. We'll get together a short list, right Jon?" Ronni suggested, conciliatory tone present since she’d learned neither would lose Tim or Matt as clients.

Truth be told, Jon was relieved to still have a seat at the table. "A buddy of mine from law school practices at our branch office in Alexandria, and he's great with intellectual property. I'll get together some information regarding his specialty and his client base, along with a strategic plan to protect your system. I can have him contact you next week. Thankfully, for the sake of expenses, the office is close to the Patent & Trademark Office.”

Ronni gave a reassuring smile of truce, and Jon returned it. She seemed to be as good at her job as he believed he was at his, and he was looking forward to working with her. With the potential net worth of the Moran-Collins family, there'd be enough work to go around.

When they adjourned the meeting, Jon went downstairs to go to bed for the night. He was greeted with a truly beautiful sight—Ryan was asleep on the large sectional with his head resting on Mickey's lap. Mickey was leaned back at an awkward angle on the couch, and Jon didn't have it in him to leave the poor guy in that position. The remnants of chocolate milk and brownie crumbs made Jon’s heart beat an extra pump.

Jon walked over to the couch to retrieve a throw pillow from the floor before he scooted the little boy down and rested hishead upon it. He then pulled a blanket off the back of the sectional to cover Ryan.

After he was settled, Jon stepped closer to Mickey, the handsome cowboy, taking in his striking, rugged looks. The young man couldn't be more than twenty-five, if Jon was guessing, but he was a damn fine specimen of male virility.

Mickey was lithe in build, but not skinny. He had long legs and a tight ass—as Tim Moran had pointed out to Jon earlier in the day. His skin was a bit sun-kissed, and he had a few light freckles on his nose and cheeks. He had long, brown eyelashes and his soft, pink pout which captured Jon's attention when they met for the second time. The total package was fucking incredible and possibly irresistible if one were in the market. Jon was not.

If Jon was looking for a guy to fuck around with, Mickey Warren was the perfect toy, even though Jon couldn’t guess his orientation. Of course, after the fiasco with Barron, and Jon’s recent vow of not dating younger guys, it was back to the club scene for a quicky in the bathroom. He certainly wasn't going to mess with the straight employee of a client.

"God, yeah. Ride me." The young cowboy was whispering in his sleep.

Jon could see an impressive bulge in his tight jeans which brought involuntary plumping in Jon’s as well. The visual display the words put into his head brought forth some of the best porn Jon had ever seen online. It was nearly too much to bear.

When the guy whispered again, Jon knew he had to put a stop to it. "Fuck, yes! Just like that.” Mickey flexed his hips into the air in a particularly raunchy motion.

As much as Jon was enjoying the unintended show, he wasn't really a voyeur. He decided to wake the man before it got any more graphic—and possibly sticky.

"Mickey! Wake up, cowboy.” He roughly jostled the man's shoulder. When Mickey’s eyes popped open and Jon saw the beautiful green of them, he almost regretted his decision not to see it through to climax.

"Oh…uh, yeah. Yeah. I'm awake. What's, uh, Jon, what's up, man?" Obviously, Mickey was disoriented, and he had the most adorable face filled with confusion.

"I moved Ryan down and settled him on a pillow. You looked like you were about to break your neck. What movie did you watch?" Jon hoped to get the man off the track of whether he'd embarrassed himself by talking out loud during his lusty dream, which Jon assumed was about Ronni Turnberry.

"We, uh, we started with Cars and ended with WALL-E. Some of Disney and Pixar's finest. Did y'all get things hammered out? They didn't fire ya, did they?” Mickey stood from the couch and stretched, showing Jon a bit of averytoned stomach.

There was a trail of rust-colored hair leading south into those Wranglers, and it was damn enticing as Jon took it in before his brain engaged to cut off his libido. Stop. Too young. Nothing in common.

Jon almost forgot he’d been asked a question, but when he glanced at Mickey’s face, he remembered. "No, but thanks for the heads-up. We figured out a strategy to combine forces to give our clients the best representation possible. I'm glad you clued me in to her intentions because I'd have gone in there like a fool and likely lost most of Matt's business. I'd like to take you for dinner as thanks if you ever get to Richmond. I'll get you one of my cards.” Jon wished he could rewind the words as he heard them spill out of his mouth.

Why the hell did you just invite the kid for a dinner date in Richmond?Clearly, the fresh air in the country had fucked with Jon’s brain and his filter had gone on the fritz, not allowing him to think straight—which also wasn’t possible.

"I don't leave the ranch much, but Matt did ask me to take Tim's truck to Richmond in a few weeks to get the oil changed and pick up some supplies we can’t get around here. I could call ya, and we could have lunch or supper before I head home. I'd like that.” Mickey’s face lit up, and Jon knew immediately that he’d fucked up.

Jon was in it up to his neck, so he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, grabbing one of his business cards to offer to the young man. "Give me a call a few days ahead of time so I can keep the evening open. I look forward to it.” He was such a fucking liar.

Mickey took it and looked it over thoroughly as Jon watched him. "Thanks. I'll be in touch. Night, Jon.” Mickey grabbed his boots and turned off the television and the lights, leaving a light on in the bathroom with the door open for Ryan and to help Jon find his room.