After Jon had sent his friend off to lick her wounds, he went to her assistant and explained he'd be taking Audrey's calls for the rest of the day. Sara smiled, nodded, and pointed toward his father's office door. He turned to see Ham Wells standing there in shirtsleeves with a big grin on his face. "Lunch?"
"I thought you were in court. Hell, it's only just after ten. Didn't Mom feed ya?" Jon approached his father with open arms. The man was an inspiration to him, and he loved him dearly. The hugs they exchanged when they saw each other for the first time each day reminded Jon how fortunate he'd been in his life and made him determined to show Mickey the same type of love.
"I had a pre-trial conference this morning, so I missed breakfast. What's new?" his father asked, bringing a huge grin to Jon's face.
"Well, Audrey's been jilted, and I'm in love. How much detail do you want?" Jon heard his father’s deep chuckle, and he couldn’t keep the lovesick grin from his face.
His father shook his head before he invited Jon inside his office, closing the door behind him. "Sit, sit. Audrey doesn't know how lucky she is that mean-spirited little woman left her. I didn't like her the first time I met her at our Christmas party before we knew they were more than just roommates. She was critical of everything Marnie and Mom did from the decorations to the food, and she was talking to that old bitty, Evelyn Martin.That woman is just pissed because Ally and Marnie look as young as they do, and they've never had any work done. Women can be so damn petty.” Ham took a seat in the chair next to Jon's.
Jon was surprised at his father's comments, but his mother had always said Ham and Sherm were as bad as two old washerwomen when it came to gossip. He chuckled as his father continued his monologue regarding the vileness that was Lyla.
"Come on, let's go get something to eat and you can tell me about your fella," his father suggested.
Jon followed his father out to Sara's desk. "Sara, I'm taking my son to lunch. Will you tell Sherm I'd like to meet with him this afternoon before he goes home for the day? It's about the Hawthorne divorce.”
Jon walked down the hall to his office. Audrey's office was empty and dark, so he hoped she’d taken him up on his offer of a spa day. He grabbed his coat off the back of his chair and walked out to Karen's desk. "Pop and I are going to lunch. Did Audrey go home for the day?"
"Not exactly. I made her an appointment at Bliss on your dime. She said it was okay," Karen told him with a smirk.
After the lovely weekend he'd had, nothing could bring him down. "No problem. Say, can you ask Sammy Williams to come see me before the end of the day? I'll be back by noon, and I'm taking Aud's calls this afternoon so just send them to my voicemail if I'm not back yet please." Karen nodded just as Ham stopped by.
"Let's go. I'm starving. Your mother's back on that kick about my damn diet. I had a physical last week, and my pressure's up, so I'm back on egg white omelets. I hate egg white omelets, Jonny.”
Jon laughed all the way down the hall, hoping he had the same complaints to tell a child of his own someday. He knew his parents would be happy to learn his special someone was MickeyWarren. They'd both been impressed with the cowboy when he’d brought Charlie to Dillwyn to breed his mother’s mares. When they learned the two were beginning a relationship, he was sure they'd want Mickey to come for a visit, soon. The thought made Jon’s heart take flight.
Chapter Nineteen
Mickey checked the GPS one last time and turned down a side street containing several condo buildings, all looking alike. It was twilight, so he was able to read the building numbers as he slowly drove down the block in Tim's F150. He had the weekend off, and Jon had asked him to come to Richmond to spend time with him.
Mickey was as giddy as a fangirl at the idea of being with Jon in his home. He'd been dreaming of it since the invitation was conveyed on Tuesday evening.
“Think you can come to Richmond this weekend?I'd like us to go out to lunch or dinner, and maybe get Audrey to hang out with us on Saturday afternoon. She's still in the dumps about Lyla, and I know she thinks you're great, so maybe between the two of us, we can cheer her up.”
The plans they'd made over the last three weekends had been preempted by Jon's workload, so Mickey was anxious to see him, hoping and praying the counselor was still his man.
It took about three seconds before Mickey jumped on the idea. "I'd love to come. Uh, what kind of clothes should I bring?"
Mickey’s nerves flared instantly. All he had for special occasions was one nice suit. He needed another, because Tim had asked him to be his best man for the September wedding. Mickey was honored at the request and decided maybe Jon could help him find something appropriate.
"Casual, babe. Blue jeans are fine. We're not doing anything fancy. We're just going to relax and spend time together. Besides, I hate putting on a suit on the weekend. I can't wait for you to be here. I've missed you a lot.” Jon’s comment had settled his nerves immediately.
As Mickey turned to follow the curve of the road, he saw a beautiful sight. Jon was sitting on the front steps of a building that must be his, drinking a beer and watching traffic pass. When the truck pulled up, Jon hopped down the stairs and opened the passenger door, climbing inside with a bright smile on his face.
"It's good to see you, baby. Make a left up here, and we can go into the underground garage.” Jon pointed to an alley. After handing Mickey a plastic card to lift the garage barrier, Mickfollowed directions to the third floor and parked next to Jon's navy Mercedes coupe.
"Okay, so what's got you so worked up? Your messages today tipped me off you were pretty amped-up about somethin'.” Mickey shut off the truck engine and turned to meet Jon’s gaze.
Jon kissed the top of Mickey’s right hand. "Let's get your stuff upstairs. I bought this craft beer selection I'm eager for you to try. I know you drink Budweiser, and I bought some of that, but I thought maybe we could do a beer tasting to see if we like any of them. How are the boys?" Jon released Mickey's hand before he got out of the truck.
Mickey reached into the back seat and grabbed his overnight bag, which was a gift from Tim when he asked for the weekend off to go to Richmond the first time, though that one had fallen through. Nevertheless, Mickey was there now and that was all that mattered.
He followed Jon to the elevator and after he saw the button was pushed, he pulled the man into his arms and kissed him, nipping at the man’s soft lips until the bell chimed, alerting the two of them the doors were about to open.
"I missed ya, Jonny," Mickey told him as they boarded the elevator. Mickey wrapped his arms around Jon, pulling the man close and rubbing his hard cock against Jon's cargo shorts-covered ass. It felt incredible to touch him.
Jon turned to gaze at him over his shoulder and smiled. "I missed you as well, cowboy. Now, let's get upstairs so I can welcome you to my home,properly.”Oh, Mickey was ready for a proper welcome.
After they stepped off the elevator, they walked down the hallway connected at the lips with Jon walking backward. Mickey had forgotten how soft and delicious Jon's lips were since their time apart. It was hard to separate himself from the man when they reached the front door.