“Why aren’t we getting out? It doesn’t look too busy.” Mickey seemed nervous, which reminded Jon how protective he was of Rocky, especially since the last barber shop incident.
“They won’t know how to cut his hair. Let’s see...” Jon glanced down the list he’d compiled on his phone and clicked on a Yelp! entry for Reggie's Corner Barber Shop, which had promise because it listed ethnic hair as a specialty.
Mickey read the directions aloud, and when Jon pulled up to the shop, he grinned. "We're here.” He stepped out and lifted the seat for Rocky and Ryan who were buckled into the back.
Mickey got out and eased back the baseball cap back on his head and smiling at Jon. "I don't ‘spect they'll be very happy to see me and Ryan. We can go get somethin' to drink and let you two go inside.”
Jon looked through the large front window, seeing a lot of faces staring back at them. "Nope, we're not going to go adopt that attitude. We all need to go in so they can meet you guys. If you're bringing a light-skinned, black child here for a haircut, I'dguess it's best to get the introductions under our belts. You three wait here. I'll be back."
They nodded and began talking to each other as Jon walked into the barber shop which reminded him of Sonny’s Cut & Style in Richmond where he got his hair cut.
Sonny was a kind, older man who'd hired a cute girl to come in and give manicures while the four barbers cut hair. Sonny’s was a trip back in time, and he had a standing appointment once a month on a Saturday morning. His father had been taking him there since he was a boy. The manicurist was a new thing, and all the old men who still went there loved her.
Jon walked up to the front desk to see a short woman, “stacked” as he knew most of the straight guys liked them. She had a thin waist and an ass that would resonate with most of his straight friends, but Jon rather liked Mickey's tight, round ass. It had definitely been a joy that morning.
"What can I help you with, haaandsommme?" the woman asked, drawing out the handsome with a bright, sexy smile.
Jon grinned in return. "My name's Jon Wells. I have a little boy in dire need of a decent haircut. He's a really sweet kid, and his hair's a mess. See, his folks are his adopted family. They're white, and they’re not versed on the intricacies of what it takes to properly cut our kind of hair so they don’t get a rash or ingrown hairs. They truly love the kid, and they want him to be a well-rounded, young man. His momma passed not long ago, and his daddy didn't hang around. So, can you folks help the boy with his hair, and kinda, maybe take my friend under your wing. The guy in the Tech hat is his caregiver because his parents work but they're all good people. We need some help, Miss… Miss Ch'nay.” He used the name on the nametag on her tight black top which showed off ample breasts. If he wasn't a died-in-the-wool gay man, she'd turn his head for certain. She was gorgeous.
The woman winked at him. "Sure, baby." Ch'nay turned to the back and yelled at an older man without hair. "Reg! C'mere, baby. We got a special customer coming in." She then walked away, slowly, with a smooth sway in her hips and a suggestive glance over her shoulder as she batted her lashes. Jon hated to tell her she was wasting her time.
The older man emerged from the back with a friendly grin. "What can I do for ya, son?"
"You're perfect. I'll be right back.” The man had a kind demeanor about him that led Jon to believe he'd be great with Rocky.
He gathered his crew and directed them inside. Reg was standing at the desk with a welcoming smile. "Mr. Reggie, this is my good friend, Rocky Whipple. This is his brother, Ryan Collins, and this is their caretaker, and my boyfriend, Mickey Warren. He'll be bringing the boys for haircuts. You can cut white hair, right?" Jon teased the man, hearing everyone in the barber shop laughing loudly, which helped break the tension.
The older man reached up to brush his hand over his bald head with a wink to Jon. "Hell, I'll cut all y'alls hair just like mine. Maybe we can start a singin' group and get on one of those shows on the TV. You boys sing?" Reg walked around the front counter and took each boy by the hand.
Just as Jon expected, the man took both boys back to his chair, putting Rocky inside it while he settled Ryan onto a stool. The three of them started talking, and Jon turned to Mickey. "So, next problem?"
Mickey laughed and squeezed Jon's shoulder, clearly uncomfortable doing anything more, but it was okay. Jon knew a lot of people—black, white, or any other ethnicity—didn’t accept mixed-race couples or mixed-race children. He was grateful he'd found at least one place Mickey could bring the boys wherethey'd be accepted and maybe Rocky could get exposure to the other half of his heritage.
Jon sat in his car after he'd turned off the ignition, barely realizing he was already home and in his parking space at the condo garage. He’d been lost in his thoughts of Mickey since he’d left the Circle C, and being in Richmond was truly the last place he wanted to be. The day had been perfect, and he hadn't wanted it to end, much to hisownsurprise.
He scrubbed his hands over his face, remembering the great lunch they had after the haircut and the goodbye with Rocky, which tested his resolve to even leave to go home. After the boys hurried off to play NERF Army with Tommy Morrow, Jon had turned to Mickey and kissed him gently.
"I'll call you tonight.”
“I’ll be waitin’, darlin’.” Mickey grinned before Jon kissed the man with all the passion inside him. Friday night was a long way away.
Jon slid out of his car, grabbing his weekend bag. He plodded to the elevator and took it to the fourth floor, feeling himself drifting further away from that happy place he'd found at the Circle C with the handsome cowboy.
As he was emptying out his bag to do a load of laundry, he found two folded pieces of paper stuffed inside. The first brought a big grin to his face.
Mr. Jon-
Thanks for finding us a place to get our hair cut so we look good for the girls. Please come visit us soon. We had lots of fun with you.
Rocky and Ryan
Jon laughed as he went to the kitchen, pinning the note to the front of his refrigerator with a magnet before he reached in for the open bottle of pinot gris he'd started the prior week. He poured himself a glass and opened the other note, seeing it was from Mickey.
I took the liberty of keeping a pair of your drawers, but I gave ya a pair in its place. It's probably silly, but I think I'll feel a whole lot better just havin' a little piece of ya with me ‘cause I know I'm gonna miss ya.