"I'm Clyde, the barn manager. Loved by the owner's wife but hated by the husband. That stud is amazing. He's gaited, right?" The two of them ventured into a discussion regarding horsebreeds, and Mickey was enjoying himself until he heard a throat clear.
Mickey looked over to see Jon Wells in a pair of tight jeans and a poppy-red sweater that set off his handsome features. "Sorry to break up the party, but Mom and Pop are waiting for you. I didn't realize it took so long to put a horse to bed.” Jon glared at Clyde. Mickey could see immediately the two men didn't like each other.
"Sorry, Jon. I'll be right there. Give me fifteen minutes to get cleaned up. Apologize to your folks for me.” Mickey hurried out of the barn toward the house. The Wells family had been kind to him, and he didn't want it getting back to Tim and Matt that he'd been anything other than a gracious guest.
He ran up to his room and stripped off, heading to the bathroom to shower. He'd shaved that morning, and hair didn't seem to grow that fast on him, so he washed his face and cleaned up under the hot spray. To say he was muddled when it came to Jon and his behavior was an understatement. Jon didn't want him, but it seemed he didn't want anyone else to have him, either.
When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Jon sitting on the bed, relaxing against the headboard. "Counselor?"
"The barn manager is younger than me, and you likely have more things in common with him, though I find him a pompous windbag. He's after my mom's money in one way or another, so don't get caught up in that shit.”
Mickey nodded as he turned to the dresser where his things had ended up being unpacked, much to his surprise. "I'll be very careful, Mr. Wells. Thank you for the warning. I'm glad I don't gotta pay the hourly rate," he stated as he pulled on his boxers.
Jon stood from the bed and left the room without a second glance. It was pretty much the way Mickey thought thingsbetween them would go. Blow jobs were nice, but nobody ever fell in love over a blow job.
"Michael, thank you so much for bringing Charlie here to breed my mares. You were both perfect guests and you're both welcome back anytime," Allison Granger Wells told him as she, Mickey, and the stallion walked to the horse trailer.
Mickey, however, was stunned. Jon had left at five o'clock in the morning. Mickey saw him because his room faced the driveway. He thought it was pretty funny the man couldn’t wait to get away. Mickey was grateful to be free of the sexual tension that crackled in the air between the two of them when Jon was around. It was a good thing nothing more had happened.
"Miss Allison, it was a pleasure to meet you and spend time here at your place. I'm pretty sure Charlie would be more than happy for another visit. Matt asked me to remind you to send him an email if either of them stick so he can update his records.” Mickey led the stallion into the trailer, securing the lead rope before he walked back out and closed the gate.
"Crap! Wait till I get the check," Allison hurried away.
Mickey smiled. "Mail the check if it sticks. If they don't stick, get ‘em vet checked, and then call the ranch. Matt would want me to bring him back, I promise, ma'am. His business is cattle. This stud thing is just because his partner bought Charlie for him as a Christmas gift. You've got Matt's email, right?"
Allison smiled tenderly and took his hand. "What did Jon say this morning before he left?"
Mickey offered her a fake smile. "Nothin', ma'am, but I reckon he's a busy man and had some important matters to address in Richmond."
"I'm so sorry, Michael. I… Well, I have no idea what to say.”
"Miss Allison, there's nothin' for you to worry about. Me and Jon are acquaintances because of Matt and Tim, and that's as far as it goes. Call us if you have any issues.” He secured the back door of the horse trailer and gave her a wave as she headed toward the house.
It was time for Mickey to get back to the real world at the Circle C. It was where he belonged.
Mickey waved to Allison and Ham Wells as he circled the fancy driveway and headed toward the outer road back to Holloway. Much like the commercial about Vegas—what happened in Dillwyn, stayed in Dillwyn. Eventually, the memories would fade like the lights on The Strip at dawn.
Mickey’s life in Holloway was waiting for him, so he turned on some music and sang along with the radio as he drove home. He and the stallion needed to get back to their own routines, not spending one damn minute thinking about what they’d both left behind in Dillwyn, Virginia.
Chapter Fourteen
“Fuck, yes! Please don't stop."
"It feels so fuckin' good. God, I never knew…"
"Oh… Oh… I'm gonna…"
"Fuck! Fuck! Yesss!”
Jon awoke at the peak of his release, feeling it hot in his boxer briefs. It was far too embarrassing to come in his underwear athis age, and he was left flustered as he opened his eyes. He was in his condo bedroom, not in his bedroom out in Dillwyn. It had been a month since he'd felt the pleasure of a mouth on his cock, but it was by his own choosing. Clearly, he'd lost his fucking mind.
When Mickey had confessed his age, Jon backed away—after the excellent blow job the kid had given him. He wasn't looking to raise a lover.
Jon was drawn to the young guy, that was for sure, but it was his libido, not his common sense, that kept reminding him of what had happened between them. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, replaying the images of the sexy dream that had caused him to shoot off in the first place.
After catching his breath, Jon went to the bathroom to clean up before pulling on another pair of underwear, checking the clock to see it was only one in the morning. It had been the same fucking thing for four weeks, and Jon was getting tired of doing so damn much laundry.
His phone lit up, much to his surprise, so he picked it up to see a message from Aaron and Rick.