The doorbell rang again as Matt sat in the family room, discussing things with his parents and Tim’s aunt and uncle. DB Jeffers and Tim had gone to Matt’s office where they’d been for two hours. Matt had no idea what they were doing, but they’d seemed determined when they left so he chose to give them privacy.

His mother rose to answer the door, but Matt decided he should make himself useful, so he walked down the hallway to open the front door, ecstatic to see the Stanford family, along with Andy, Savannah’s girlfriend, smiling at him. Obviously, they’d given up their holiday to come to Holloway. It touched Matt’s heart.

“God, you guys. Please come in. I’m so glad you came, but I’m sorry your Christmas was ruined.” The Colonel shook Matt’s hand and pulled him into a hug.

“Now, son, you’re a part of our family as well, and my grandson’s been taken. That’s a reason to come here to support family and do everything we can to get him back. Anything yet?” Rob asked as he walked in with DeAnne behind him, hugging Matt. Savannah, Andy, and Robby followed. It was nice to have them there, ready to help Matt though they barely knew him.

Matt showed them into the living room where everyone was discussing the best way to handle the situation as they saw it. His parents had never met Robert Stanford, and he was sure his mother knew Bertie had no love for her father, so when his mother bristled, he regretted keeping his family out of the loop about why he’d gone to El Paso.

Things had happened so fast with Ryan’s disappearance that giving an explanation for why Matt was in touch with Colonel Stanford had just slipped his mind. As they all stood in the living room staring at each other, Matt knew an introduction was long overdue.

“Momma and Dad, this is Colonel Robert Stanford, his wife DeAnne, their daughter, Savannah, her girlfriend, Andy, and their son, Robby. Everyone, this is my mother, Jeri, and my father Marty. These are our good friends and Tim’s aunt and uncle, Josh and Katie Simmons. Tim’s back in the office with DB.” Matt glanced at the Colonel.

After hands were shaken, Rob turned to Matt and smiled. “Let’s go see how far they’ve gotten. DB can work miracles, Matt, so let’s hold off on worrying right now. He was in Delta Force.”

Rob turned to DeAnne and grinned. “Honey, maybe you can make some tea? I think it might help everyone relax a little. This problem will be solved quickly, and when we get my grandson home, I want him to be thrilled everyone’s already acquainted.”

DeAnne smiled and gestured to Jeri and Katie. “Would you mind showing me to the kitchen?”

Matt got the idea. “Dad, why don’t you and Josh take Savannah, Andy, and Robby down to the barn to show ‘em Josie. She’s a Christmas gift for Ryan.”

The Colonel squeezed his shoulder. Matt glanced at the man, who gave a subtle nod before the two of them proceeded down the hall to see if there was any progress on finding Ryan.

Rob stopped Matt just outside the door and turned him, staring into his eyes. “Matthew, I don’t plan to lose my grandson. I’ll do everything I can to bring him home, rest assured.”

Matt nodded and led the man into the room, feeling a little hope creep into his soul for the first time since he’d learned what those women had done. Taking his son for a second time had Matt seeingbloodred.

Chapter Twenty-five

Tim listened to the large man behind him on his phone. “It’s me. Find me a cell number for Roberta Stanford Collins. Try any iterations of the name, okay? Also, find me the address of Ramona Stanford. Start with Colorado.”

He didn’t know to whom the man was speaking, but Tim didn’t hesitate to begin his own search using the parameters DB hadinstructed the person on the end of the line. Tim proceeded to hack into a lesser-knownunofficialcell phone directory and set up a search of the things DB had described.

Tim held up his hand and pointed to his screen, happy to see the search had produced exactly what DB had requested. “Never mind.” The large man ended the call and leaned over Tim’s shoulder.

“I didn’t know you were a hacker, Tim.” Tim laughed at the man’s teasing.

They’d gotten to know one another a little while Matt was puking his guts out after DB had conned Tim into slipping his man a drug that would make him throw up everything Matthew had eaten as a small child.

Initially, Tim had been pissed about the deception. DBhadapologized for not being forthcoming regarding what the bottle was filled with and what it would do. He had, however, asserted how necessary it was to get Matt sober so they could have coherent answers. It had worked, and Tim wasn’t about to hold a grudge.

“I’m a man of mystery, DB. I’ll widen the search to Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada for Mona, but I don’t know where Bertie lives in Canada.” Tim pecked away on his keyboard.

DB laughed out loud, showing his gold tooth. “Oh, that’s perfect. If they try to take him over the border it becomes— Uh, let me make a call about it. Narrow in on Mona because she likely has a phone we can track. If Bertie’s is issued out of Canada, we’ll need a little help,” DB told him.

There was a quick knock before the door opened and Matt walked in with a tall, majestic-looking man behind him. The man stood ramrod straight and he had a military haircut, for certain, so Tim figured him to be Bertie’s father. He was good-looking, probably in his fifties, or so Tim deduced.

As the search engine continued its job, Tim stood to address the man. “Colonel Stanford, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. Matt has told me about your family, and I’ve been anxious to meet all of you. I appreciate you coming to support him during this mess. Of course, you remember DB.” Tim pointed to the man standing behind him on the phone speaking French. Tim could tell it surprised all three of them.

“Merci beaucoup!”DB signed off the call and turned to look at them with a smile.

DB walked over to the Colonel, extending his hand to shake before he pulled Rob Stanford into a one-armed, man hug. “It’s good to see you again, sir. I’m glad you called me about this. I was able to change my flight to Hawaii until after the New Year, but I’m guessin’ it ain’t gonna take us that long to find your grandson.”

Rob nodded and turned to Tim. “I’m assuming you’re Matthew’s partner. I’ve heard a lot about you, young man. I’m glad you’re here.” Colonel Stafford shook Tim’s hand.

Tim slumped into his chair, still feeling guilty. “Sir, I believe it’s my fault.”

Matt squeezed Tim’s shoulder and placed a hand on his cheek to gently turn his head. “It’s not your fault, baby. I’d have never imagined they’d come here to Holloway.” Tim’s computer chimed.