Tim couldn’t hold the laugh, and when he pinched Matt’s nipple, the cowboy pulled away and grabbed Tim’s hand. “Why’d ya do that?”

“Just checking out your tits. I wouldn’t hate to give them a tongue bath, but now I’ve got to fix these eggs.” Tim added a teasing whine to his voice.

Matt laughed. “Make anything ya want, Timmy. I wanna hear more about this tongue bath, and I have a suggestion for other places besides my tits, though I happen to have very sensitive nipples.” Matt seemed to be proud of his nipples, which made Tim laugh.

At Matt’s request, Tim made the man hens-in-a-nest, and when they finished eating, the couple went back to Matt’s bathroom to shower. Tim licked, nibbled, and bit Matt’s nipples under the gentle spray of the rain-style showerhead before he dropped to his knees to suck Matt’s impressive cock into his mouth… another place he wanted to give a tongue bath.

After choking for a second, Tim remembered to breathe through his nose as he attempted to deep throat Matt’s generous length. He took a second to remember how he’d done it with Kenny back in college, which had brought forth positive results.

Tim felt like a pro at it, and Matt didn’t hesitate to agree… “fuck, yes,” “oh, god… baby, yes,” and Tim’s favorite “yesssssss!”

The bull rider emptied a substantial load into Tim’s mouth. After swallowing it, Tim was pulled up and Matt kissed him silly, swirling his tongue around Tim’s mouth enough to clean up any little swimmers he hadn’t swallowed. Tim was pretty sure there weren’t many left.

Much to Tim’s surprise, Matt acquainted himself with Tim’s cock, in the shower, on his knees with a soapy finger circling the blond’s entrance. Tim nearly lost his mind.

After Matt achieved his goal of draining the life out of Tim, the pair exited the shower, drying off and dressing to go to the Collins’ place to pick up Ryan. Tim, however, was worried. “Youdidtell your parents you’re gay, right?”

Matt turned and grinned, taking Tim’s hand and kissing it. “I told Momma. Dad… Well, she’s gotta get him used to changes. Eventually, he gets there. I have no doubt there’ll be no difference with this. I’m not worried, Timmy.”

No worries? Was he fucking crazy?

Martin Collins was a great guy, according to Uncle Josh. Josh had told Tim he respected Marty and based on what Tim had witnessed in the time he’d been back at the Katydid, he had every reason to believe Mr. Collins was, indeed, a great guy.However, Tim had no idea how the man might react to having a gay son.

Would Martin think Tim corrupted Matthew and hate him for it? That would never make for a good relationship between Tim and Matt’s family, he was certain.

“Sweetheart, stop it. Dad’s gonna be fine, I promise. It might take a little time, but he’ll get there, or my momma will beat him to death with a rolling pin.” Matt offered a tender smile. Tim wasn’t as confident.

When they pulled up the driveway of Matt’s parents’ place, Tim was suddenly conscious of the fact he was doing a walk-of-shame in hisdateclothes. The shirt was wrinkled from where it had been tossed onto the floor the previous night when Matt undressed him.

Tim wasn’t coherent enough to pick it up and hang it up at that point, and he was pretty sure Matt’s parents would figure it out and be upset by his disheveled appearance. “Maybe I should wait in the truck?”

Matt hopped out and walked around the front of the truck to the passenger door. He pulled it open and unbuckled Tim’s seatbelt, swinging the man’s legs around to address him, face-to-face.

“Now, you know my momma loves ya, and Ryan would be pissed at me if he knew you were waitin’ in the truck. Come inside, Timmy. The sooner we get this out in the open, the sooner they get used to it.”

Matt pulled Tim out of the truck and took his hand, leading him to the front of the house. They walked up to the porch, and as Matt reached for the doorknob, he stopped and turned to Tim, leaning down to gently brush their lips together in a reassuring kiss.

Matt pulled back and winked, which made Tim smile. “You’re as cute as a speckled pup.” The bull rider was trying to put Tim at ease, and it made him laugh.

“And you’re full of…”

Tim was ready to tease as the front door opened to reveal Ryan with a look of annoyance on his face. “It’s ‘bout time. I got things to do, ya know.”

Matt swept Ryan into his arm and carried him like a football as he walked in through the door, his cowboy boots clunking on the hardwood floor. He turned to see if Tim was following him, motioning for the man to come inside.

Tim followed the two of them into the kitchen where Marty and Jerilyn Collins were having coffee. “Hey, boys. You want some coffee and a sweet roll? I made ‘em this mornin’,” Miss Jeri offered.

Tim heard Ryan groan, but he was following Matt’s lead. “Well, Tim made breakfast, but I could have a roll.”

He turned to Tim and smiled. “You want a sweet roll?” Tim wanted to fall through the floor at that very moment.

He saw Marty look at him with a curious expression. “How’s that computer thingy goin’?” Marty asked.

Tim breathed a sigh of relief. On that subject, he could speak until he was blue in the face.

“It’s good. I’ve got a program written to track the semen imported to the ranch and cows bred with it so we can trace the bloodlines. It’s set to track sales of various breeds and the cost of feed to get the feeders Matt sells ready to go to market so he has an idea of how much he needs to get in order to claim a profit, plus it lets him know how much he needs on hand to feed the herd on any given day. When I finish it, it’ll automatically notify the feed store when to come refill the grain silo. It also tracks the expenses for tax purposes, and then…” Ryan climbed into his lap and clamped his lips closed.

“We need to get home so I can do my homework. This stuff is borin’. Just eat, please.” Tim laughed because as he glanced up, he could see the glazed look on the faces of Marty, Jeri, and even Matt.