Matt whispered those words in Tim’s ear as he pulled Tim onto his lap while the two of them sat on Matt’s couch with a couple of beers. The two had been kissing, neglecting whatever the hell was on television, and Tim was so worked up, he was afraid he’d come in his jeans.

They stumbled to Matt’s bedroom, stripping each other the whole way up the stairs and down the hallway. By the time they were on the bed they were naked, but Matt didn’t pressure Tim into anything more than taking both of their cocks in his hand and jacking them together. He reached into the bedside table and grabbed lotion, slicking up his hand before he grasped the pair of them again.

“Oh, fuck.” It felt so good to have Matt’s hands on him.

The act was familiar, so Tim didn’t freak out. Kenny and he had gotten that far before the shit with the soccer team messed up their friendship.

Tim, however, wanted a hell of a lot more with Matt. Maybe not that night, but in the very, very near future.

“You have a great cock, Tim. I’m so fuckin’ close to losin’ my shit. You?” Matt continued to work them both while they kissed, licked, and sucked each other’s upper torsos.

“Too close, too fast!” Tim erupted between them, embarrassed for a second until Matt’s cock went off, making him sigh in relief. He didn’t want to be a Johnny-come-too-soon, but with Matt coming right after him, he was more confident in his sexual endurance.

“I think we both got worked up too quick. I’ve been half-hard this whole night. I usually have a lot more staying… Well, I don’t come that fast. Maybe it’s just because I’m with you? I wanna be with you so much, I think I’ve lost the ability to hold back.” Matt kissed the tip of Tim’s nose. Tim giggled, not caring how it sounded.

“Maybe it’s something to work toward for the both of us?” Matt asked as he climbed out of bed and walked toward the bathroom.

He returned a moment later with a washcloth and a towel, gently cleaning Tim’s chest and abs before returning to the bathroom. When he slipped into bed with Tim, Matt wrapped his arms around the blond and held him tightly as Tim fell into a deep sleep. It was wonderful.

“Mmm. You smell good.” Tim opened his eyes to see the handsome face of Matthew Collins in front of him. The cowboy had his hand on Tim’s bare ass, pulling him closer where a hard cock poked his stomach.

“I seriously doubt I smell good.” Tim was a little groggy, and he was sure his breath was horrible. He’d worked up a sweat when the two were grinding against each other the previous night, and he thought they both probably needed a shower.

Matt laughed quietly in the early morning calm. “I can have my own opinion, Timmy. Tome,you smell incredible, but I’ve been enjoyin’ that scent for a while now. So, what do you like for breakfast? I have coffee, of course, and I can offer toast, bagels, or cereal. As I’m sure Ryan told ya, I’m not much good with anything more complicated.”

Tim pulled away so he could see the handsome face and bedroom eyes of the bull rider he’d grown to love more than anything… except for the man’s son. “How do you likeyoureggs, Mr. Collins? I mean, you have eggs, right?”

“I’m pretty sure Momma put eggs in the fridge. You ain’t gotta cook me breakfast, Timmy. I’m tryin’ to be a good host.”

Tim chuckled as he hopped up and took his naked ass to the bathroom, grabbing his boxers on the way.

After modifying his morning routine—washing his face with hot water instead of the face wash he usually used; swirling mouthwash instead of brushing his teeth because he’d forgotten to bring the overnight bag he’d packed; and spraying on a little of Matt’s Axe to help mellow out the musk he’d smelled from under his pits instead of taking a shower—Tim returned to the bedroom to find Matt with his eyes closed. “You asleep?”

“Nope. Just tryin’ not to make a mess in the bed by concentratin’ on anything but your hot ass headin’ toward the bathroom.” Matt hopped up and tookhisvery attractive, naked ass to the bathroom.

Tim pulled on jeans and an undershirt, contemplating what had happened the night before as a few revelations occurred to him. They were at the beginning of a physical relationship, and Tim was very excited about it.

He was grateful to Matt for not rushing things between them. It was Tim’s firstofficialrelationship, and he wanted it to be more than just booty calls like he’d heard about from other guys.

From what Tim had observed since he started spending more time with Matt, the bull rider had the potential to step up and be a decent guy who was capable of commitment. Matt had been making hefty strides regarding the responsibilities resting on his broad shoulders, especially those involving Ryan.

Tim had seen a huge change in Matt since they’d begun spending time together, and subsequently, Ryan seemed more confident in his father as well. Tim had high hopes for all of them.

He could hear Matt in the bathroom brushing his teeth, so he plodded to the kitchen to make breakfast. In short order, he had sausages frying in a skillet with eggs on the counter to come to room temperature.

Tim found the toaster and some whole wheat bread in the cabinet, which surprised him. French toast was one possibility, but he didn’t know if Matt liked it.

As he stood in the kitchen considering his options, muscular arms surrounded his waist as a kiss landed on the side of his neck. “What’s got ya thinkin’ so hard, babe?” Matt’s lips against his ear were soft and enticing.

Tim didn’t hesitate to sink into the large, tight body behind him, melting in the process. It felt incredible to be in Matt’s muscular arms.

A kiss to Tim’s neck and a little bite brought him back from fantasy land. “I was trying to decide if you’d like French toast or just maybe eggs and toast.” Forming the words wasn’t exactly easy.

“Can you do that thing they do at the diner where they cut out the center of the bread and crack an egg in it? It’s one of my favorites.” Matt continued to hold Tim and suck on his neck.

Tim pulled away for a second to turn in the cowboy’s arms. “Over easy or over hard?”

Matt pushed his crotch forward and smiled. “Depends on what you’re askin’, baby. Always hard, but I like my eggs runny, unless they’re scrambled. I like cheese in those.”