Why couldn’t the floor open and swallow him whole after what Ryan said? Matt and he had nothing in common to make them friends, save that exceptional little boy talking to his aunt. Was there any way Tim could keep his crush under control if he spent time with Matt and Ryan? Was he that strong?
Ryan blushed a little, which was cute. “I’d like that a lot, but maybe you and Gramma Jeri could do it together ‘cause she asked me if I’d help her, too. I guess I could figure out time to help both of ya, but I gotta help my dad pick out Christmas ornaments and a tree, and then we gotta get gifts.” As Ryan listed off all his upcoming engagements, Tim wanted to laugh. Each short finger stuck up to emphasize his busy holiday schedule.
Tim smirked. “I think you’ll have plenty of time for all of that, but right now, it’s time to shop for a costume. How’d you get here?” Tim glanced at the driveway, not seeing a vehicle.
“Daddy’s at the barn with Mr. Josh. They had some business to talk about. So, will you come, please?” Tim didn’t have it in him to turn Ryan down, especially in the quasi-begging way the boy had presented his case.
Finally, Tim gave in. “Sure. Just give me a minute to put on a decent shirt and shoes,” Tim told the boy as he looked down at the holey T-shirt he was wearing. He’d been power washing the vinyl fence around the yard because Aunt Katie wanted it cleaned up before they started putting up Christmas lights on Thanksgiving weekend. It had been a warm October, and the weather was slated to be warm through November. The climate in Texas was different than what Tim experienced in Pittsburgh growing up.
Ryan nodded and followed Katie into the kitchen as Tim hurried to his room to change his shirt. He then noticed he was wearing old, dirty jeans, so he decided to change the rest of his clothes. As he was removing the T-shirt, he caught a whiff of himself and knew he didn’t need to be quite so ripe, so a shower was definitely in order.
Once he’d grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom down the hall to shower, he glanced into the medicine cabinet mirror, noticing he’d forgotten to shave that morning before he started working. He had a decision to make—a little scruff, or a clean-shaven face?Why do you even give a shit?
After surveying the situation, Tim decided to clean up his jawline just a little, leaving the scruff in some sort of shape which might eventually become a goatee. He didn’t hold out a lot of hope it would be a great one, but it was getting closer to winter, and maybe a little facial hair would keep him warmer when he worked in the barn? It was an idea, anyway.
He quickly showered before changing into clean jeans, a brown-and-white-checked, western shirt, and the new boots he’d bought when he first arrived at the farm. He combed his hair, noting he might need a haircut, but he felt like he looked good. Why did he think it mattered?That’s a loaded question.
Tim walked into the kitchen to find Ryan with a glass of lemonade and a piece of the apple pie Aunt Katie had madeearlier that day. “How’s that pie? I asked for a slice for breakfast, but she said no,” he told Ryan as he gave Aunt Katie a smile.
Ryan pulled a sly smile as he kneeled in the kitchen chair. “Maybe she likes me better than you, Timmy.”
Aunt Katie’s lilting laugh was a joy to hear, but at that moment, Tim didn’t appreciate it. “He’s got ya there, Timothy. Now, while Ryan finishes his pie, go down to the barn, and find Matthew. The two of you need to talk before y’all go shoppin’,” she instructed in her sweetest voice.
Tim knew better than to argue with her, so he merely nodded. He left the house and headed to the barn where he saw Matt’s King-Cab F-250 sitting out front. When he walked into the building, Matt was talking with Uncle Josh and Hank Sachs. Ethan, Hank’s son, was standing there as well, and they were talking about Josie, the little jenny tied to a ring in the barn alley while Hank trimmed up her mane with electric clippers.
“I’m tellin’ ya, Mr. Collins, she’s as gentle as anything. She’s low to the ground so he wouldn’t get hurt if he fell off, but she’s had trainin’ somewhere along the way,” Ethan told Matt.
“For a starter ride, you think she’d be good?” Matt asked the young man.
“I wish to heck I’d have had a ride like her to start. I was ridin’ some rangy old nag who spooked at the least little sound.’ Ethan chuckled at his own comment.
“Hey, thatrangy old nagwas my horse, and she only spooked ‘cause you thought you needed to wearspursall the damn time. I never had to spur that mare one time when I rode her,” Hank scolded, but he failed to hide his smirk.
They were all laughing when Tim made his presence known. He stood next to Matt and smiled at everyone. “Ryan’s finishing his pie, and then he’s ready to go.” Tim turned to stare at the handsome cowboy. When the man grinned and winked at him, Tim’s heart sped up.
“Okay. Josh, give me a price on that jenny. I’d like to keep her here until closer to Christmas. I need to get the boys to fix up a stall for her, and that’ll take a little time. I’ll pay ya board.” Matt seemed set in his decision, and Tim knew Ryan would be over the moon.
Uncle Josh laughed. “She’s fine here, son. We’ll keep her for free. I sure wouldn’t mind breedin’ her some time. A lot of people love to ride mules, and I bet she’d throw a good foal if you’re interested.”
Matt chuckled and glanced at Tim. “I’ll keep it in mind, Josh. Come on, Tim, we better go. We got an excited little boy who’s dyin’ to dress like a Ninja Turtle. I hope to goodness Walmart has somethin’ left.”
Uncle Josh winked at Tim, which was odd, but Matt turned to him and grinned, setting Tim’s world right. This thing he had for the cowboy—it was going to be the death of him for sure.
The two men collected Ryan from Aunt Katie and after Tim settled him into the booster in the back seat of the big pickup, he climbed into the front passenger seat next to Matt, not sure what to talk about.
“Buckle your seatbelt, please. I don’t plan to have an accident, but I wanna make sureyou’resafe.” Matt’s comment pushed Tim off balance. For a moment, he couldn’t speak, so he nodded and buckled up.
Matt started the truck and glanced at him, a grin lighting up the cowboy’s face and making Tim light-headed. “I think you should get yourself a costume, Timmy.” The comment ended with a low chuckle from Matt, making Tim roll his eyes as the three of them headed down the driveway, Walmart bound.
“This is so cool,” Ryan enthused when he came into the living room dressed as his favorite Ninja Turtle, Raphael. He walked over to Tim to take his hand and lead him around the room to greet the guests.
All the hands from the Circle C and Katydid were there with their families. The kids and many of the adults were dressed in costumes, and there was a Raphael-shaped piñata tied to a tree in the backyard, chock full of candy.
There were coolers with drinks of all kinds, and a table set up on the patio with snacks. Everyone brought candy bags for the kids, and Tim was pretty sure they hadn’t missednotgoing trick-or-treating around town at all.
Aunt Katie and Miss Jeri put out a spread for the party, and everyone was having a ball. Tim was dressed as a carrot, which was the only costume in the adult section that he’d even consider wearing. There were orange tights, which he wore with trepidation, but at least the foam carrot shirt covered his junk. The worst part was a green beanie hat with long stalks of greenery attached. He knew when Ryan talked him into dressing up, he’d never be able to deny the kid anything again.
Aunt Katie was dressed as Annie Oakley and Uncle Josh was dressed as Buffalo Bill. They looked so cute together that Tim had to take a picture with his phone. Jeri and Marty were dressed as a couple from a reality television show.