Peter—Danger Zone—had hugged me, and it had been glorious, but Ashley and the others made me feel safe in a different way. It was as if I had family around me. Sisters. Best friends.

Of course the hug made me cry harder and then everyone was there, and we were all crying.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

“About time,” Brooke muttered as she disentangled herselfand stood.

“For what?” I asked, still sniffing.

A moment later, I heard my door open and two familiar voices.

“Where is she?”

“Logan sent pie.”

Then Victoria and Rachel were standing in front of me with tears pouring down their cheeks.

“Why areyoucrying?” I asked as I wiped my eyes.

“We were listening.” Victoria held up her phone.

I glared at Ashley, who shrugged and held up her hands in surrender. “Their flight got delayed due to a storm.”

Then we were all hugging again and laughing, and Victoria almost dropped her pie, and we laughed some more.

I looked at Ashley. “How did you get them here so fast?”

She jerked her thumb at Brooke. “Her fiancé has a private jet and a bored pilot.”

“I’m never flying with the peasants again.” Victoria fluffed her blond curls.

Ashley grinned. “We figured we could all be here for your week off. Open some storage units. Help Brooke with her wedding. Get some baby clothes for Nanette.”

There was a pregnant pause while people processed that bit of information. Everyone’s eyes turned to our musical friend, who nodded sheepishly, and then the shrieking commenced.

It took me a moment longer than the others, but once I caught up to what Ashley had said, I joined in.

Nanette managed a blush—no easy task with her dark skin—and patted her stomach. “I’m just over three months along, which is why I came back early. David stayed behind.” She looked at me self-consciously. “I was hoping I could crash in your guest room for a few weeks.”

“Of course!” I jumped up and hugged her, and for the firsttime in a long time, I felt like myself, surrounded by my friends, whom I loved.

Then my phone buzzed. It was on the table, and everyone looked at it.

Unfortunately, it was face up, and Peter’s name showed as the person sending a message.

“You should look at that.” Teresa pointed.

I didn’t move.

“It might be important.” Rachel snatched the device up and handed it to me. “Plus, you’ve got six other women here to help you with it.”

She had me there. My thumb trembled as I swiped it to life.

Peter:I apologize for not being a good co-host yesterday. I’d like to make it up to you. Are you busy Wednesday night? If you’re available, would you like to go to dinner and a movie?

The others had gathered around. When we finished reading, they looked at me with wide eyes.

I put my phone down. “I’m busy.”