No, no, no.

Peter wasn’t like my ex. I hadn’t changed for him. Yes, he’d been picking up my coffee, but it was a sweet gesture. Something he did for me. He wasn’t trying to put me in a box.

And he’d never made me feel like I had to be less than him. He encouraged me. Always.

Didn’t he?

My phone buzzed in my hands. I automatically looked down at it and found a message from Ashley.

Ashley:Meeting tomorrow night, or are you going to cancel again for a certain grumpy boss?

The muscles in my chest tightened, and suddenly, I couldn’t breathe.

Had I put off my friends for Peter?

No, it had been for work.

Hadn’t it?

A grunt came from around the corner, and I knew Peter was headed my way. I couldn’t talk to him. Not right now. Neither of us were in a good place.

The nearest door led to the back hall and to the quiet room. Before anyone saw me, I ran through it.

I bolted down the hallway and didn’t stop until I was once again at the far end of the ballroom. Only then did I remember that they still needed Marissa. I managed to grab the nearest person I knew and asked them to have Captain Grant go to Marissa. He could deal with her, and I could do everything possible to keep from screaming.

I should have gone back to Amelia, but my mind was racing and my emotions were reeling. When I spotted Peter entering the ballroom from the lobby, I breathed a sigh of relief.

This was technically his thing, and he could finish it without me.

I said this in my mind, but my feet refused to move. I couldn’t go. I had responsibilities.

My phone buzzed again.

Ashley:I’m joking.

I had to stay through this party, whatever happened, but I had the option of taking the rest of the week off, an opportunity Iwasn’t going pass up. I needed the most important people in my life. Would they come?

Jessica:I’ve got a code red situation.

Ashley, bless her soul, answered right away.

Ashley:Tonight or tomorrow?

Tomorrow felt like it was three days away, but I was going to be wasted after this. I needed to be able to form coherent sentences, and besides, maybe I could get all the crying out tonight.


Ashley:Is this a private event?

She meant would this just be the two of us.

Jessica:All CGC are welcome.

Ashley:I’ll take care of it.

My emotions threatened to overflow at her quick and thorough display of love, and I had to take a few deep breaths in order to keep them under control.

I looked into the ballroom. “You can do this.”