The crying started again.

Then Peter was walking toward me. He wasn’t soaked, but his hair was wet and his face glistening. It was a good look on him. “Nicely done,” he said.

“I didn’t do anything.”

Peter’s category four appeared. “You didn’t?”

I shook my head. “The guy at the front desk was useless.”

“Then why did the water stop?” His eyes turned to the ceiling.

“Not sure.”

“So it could come back on?” Peter glared at the nearest sprinkler as if daring it to restart.

That’s when I noticed Peter’s shaking hands. I reached out and took them, then pulled him into the lobby. “Let’s go find out.”

My plan to give Peter a minute to decompress failed miserably when Marissa’s voice echoed through the space. “Peter!”

The category five expression returned to Peter’s face as he looked over my shoulder at the approaching prima donna. I was about to tell him I’d take care of her—likely by shoving her out the door and calling her a van or whatever—when Peter gently moved me aside. “Go back in and make sure everything is alright.”

With that, he stalked past me.

I admit, I turned and watched. The hopeful look on Marissa’s face twisted something inside my gut, and even though she’d been a supreme jerk to me, I no longer wanted to see her humiliated. I just wanted her gone.


I jumped, then turned to find Amelia standing right outside the ballroom.

“What’s going on?” Amelia asked.

“Not sure,” I confessed.

The keen of a siren from outside drifted in through the revolving door, and Amelia and I exchanged a knowing look.

“That’s got to be the fire department,” she said.

“Probably,” I agreed.

Giggling had broken out in the ballroom, as did a rendition ofSinging in the Rain.

I could only imagine the dance moves going on.

“You didn’t find the hotel manager?” Amelia asked.


She sighed. “Let’s go talk to the fire department.

One year, Brooke had gotten me a calendar for Christmas. It had been filled with shirtless fireman holding baby animals. I’d never believed that most firefighters looked like that, but as Amelia and I walked out the front door, I wondered if this unit had been the squad the calendar had featured.

Even in their huge suits I could tell the guys were fit, muscular, and incredibly hot.

Not as attractive as Peter, but there was a lot to appreciate.

Amelia let out a low whistle, then glanced over at me. “You didn’t hear that.”

Apparently, Amelia felt the same way. “Hear what?” I feigned innocence.