Brooke:How fine?
Two people from the retreat committee were on their way to my desk, and Danger Zone would arrive in less than five minutes.
Jessica:Can’t talk now, just got to work, which is a disaster zone this morning.
Brooke:I want details!
I snuck in one more message.
Jessica:If you wanted details, you should have come.
I added a winking face so she would know I wasn’t mad, or in this case, not too mad, then turned my attention to the duo who had just reached my desk.
“Jessica, what’s going on?” Patrice asked when she’d stopped. She resided in the Marissa camp of body type and attitude and wore a short skirt with a long jacket.
The man, a nice guy named Dan, met my gaze and gave me a “help me” look.
I refused to let myself release a great sigh this early in the morning and, instead, gave the two people who had been incharge of food a smile. “I’m glad you guys are here, but you’re early.”
Patrice waved my comment away. “We need to know what’s going on.”
I channeled my inner “do not lash out at them” mantra and kept my lips plastered in a smile. “You should have received an email with instructions.” I made a show of looking at the clock on the wall. “We have a committee meeting in an hour.”
“We need information before that,” Patrice said.
Dan now gave me an apologetic look.
I usually noticed Danger Zone’s approach, but this time he snuck up on me, and when his low, dangerous voice sounded in my ear, I almost jumped out of my red heels.
“You’ll get everything you need at the meeting.”
Was that his breath I could feel on my neck? How had Danger Zone gotten that close without me hearing him?
To my utter surprise, a firm hand landed on my shoulder, and Danger Zone steered me toward his office. “Until then, Jessica and I have a lot of work to do.”
The look of total shock on Patrice’s face could have been bottled and sold for a profit.
The expression of bewilderment on Dan’s face matched my own.
That and I think I’d lost a few seconds of my life when Danger Zone had touched me.
“We’ll see you in an hour,” Danger Zone said with finality.
A big thanks had to go to muscle memory, because I’d somehow grabbed my work tablet before I’d been hauled away from my desk.
Danger Zone guided me through the door and shut it behind us.
We rarely had private meetings. Part of that was because we were a man and a woman and that was something the companyfrowned on. Another part was that Danger Zone preferred emails.
I was glad he always kept the blinds in the window open.
“I didn’t think they’d get here that quickly.” Danger Zone let me go and moved around to his seat.
The loss of his touch was almost as jarring as the initial contact, and it left me feeling lightheaded. “People are quick when they’re in panic mode,” I managed to say in a steady voice.
Danger Zone grunted. He usually took a few minutes in here by himself before he let anyone else enter. It surprised me that he would drag me into his solitude time.
The heavy sigh he breathed told me he wasn’t exactly happy to have me here.