“Yes,” I said with a grin.
“Hey now,” Brooke protested.
“You have suggestions?” I asked Penny.
Penny eyed Brooke, then nodded.
I patted Brooke on the back. “Come on, let’s get you out of that hoodie and into something nice.”
“I like this hoodie,” Brooke pouted.
“You’ll like the dresses too, I promise.”
“If you say so.”
“I do.” With that, I shoved Brooke into the dressing room to wait for Penny to bring her something to try on.
I glanced around, and a memory I hadn’t thought about in years surfaced.
I’d been all of nineteen when I’d gotten married. Less than a year out of high school and ready to take on the world. I’d gone to try on dresses with my two best friends, who were already married.
They’d picked out the most hideous specimens for me first and had forced me to model them. I’d laughed. It had been like the perfect fantasy.
A few short weeks later, I’d worn one of the hideous specimens at my wedding. Which had felt like a dream come true.
I rarely thought about that time of my life, but today it filled my mind, and tears sprung to my eyes.
I hadn’t had this reaction when I’d come here with Nanette or Ashley. Why now?
Because Brooke is the last.
I wiped my tears away and took a few breaths.
It was fine Brooke was getting married. It was fine that I wasn’t. I didn’t need to be married to be happy; the past few years had taught me that.
“Here we go.” Penny arrived with three dresses. “Let’s start with these and see what she likes.”
“Sounds good. Thanks.” I gave Penny a smile.
She frowned at me, noticing my tears, but I waved her away and went into the dressing room.
“Are you sure those are my size?” Brooke examined the gowns suspiciously.
“Penny knows what she’s doing,” I assured her. I checked the size of the first dress and saw it was a sixteen.
Maybe my problem was that Marissa had just told me that Danger Zone didn’t like curvy girls.
Not that I thought we’d ever get together, but it stung to know that he felt that way. Obviously, if that was true, then he was off my radar. I refused to pursue a man who demanded I alter my appearance. It was one thing if I wanted a change but quite another if someone else did.
“Have you thought about William’s offer?” Brooke asked as she slithered into the first gown. The short sleeves showed off her toned arms, and the V-neck drew just the right amount of attention to her cleavage. Brooke turned so I could zip her up.
“I thought we were going to talk about it next week,” I said.
“I’m asking your opinion now.”
Right now was not a good time to bring this up. Not with weddings and a biased Danger Zone on my mind.
“He really wants to help,” Brooke said.