“I broke my leg. You have to help Peter at the company retreat.”
It took me a second to get past news of a broken leg. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m going to be in the hospital through the end of the week, then almost totally out of commission for a while after that. I certainly can’t drive out to the retreat, so I need you to be therefor Peter.”
While the thought of Marissa not being around filled me with happiness, her declaration of me having to help Danger Zone at the retreat was strange. “I’m already helping him.”
Brooke arrived at that moment, shivering in a casual hoodie. She gave me a questioning look, and I put my phone on speaker but muted our end.
“Of course you’re helping him, but you need to do more,” Marissa said.
Brooke raised her eyebrows. I held up my finger as I unmuted myself. “What do you mean?”
“I mean he’s going to flounder, and he’s going to need me.”
That made no sense. I exchanged a look with Brooke, who shook her head.
Marissa went on. “Peter is going to need my support.”
“From the hospital?” I asked.
“Yes!” Marissa cried. “Exactly.”
Now I was really lost.
Marissa kept going. “What I need you to do is be with Peter all the time, but you need to have your tablet, so I can call in remotely and support him.”
Brooke put a finger next to her head and rotated it around her ear, silently wondering if Marissa was crazy.
I shrugged and spoke to Marissa. “I don’t understand.”
Marissa huffed so loud I was pretty sure air came out of my phone. “No one else can do it; it has to be you.”
“I’m still not sure what you’re asking,” I said.
She ignored my comment. “You see, he’s not going to fall for you.”
My stomach tied itself into a knot, and I jerked my phone away. Did she know about my crush on Danger Zone like I knew about hers?
“Peter doesn’t like curvy girls,” Marissa said. “He’s alwaysrefused to date anyone who is overweight.”
I looked at Brooke and found her glaring hard at the phone.
Marissa went on. “So you see, if you’re the one helping him, then he’ll be safe.”
“Safe?” Brooke whispered.
I shook my head, still processing. I knew she had the hots for my boss and that they’d known each other for years, but Marissa sounded like she was afraid someone was going to steal Danger Zone from her.
“You can be my liaison and carry me around,” Marissa said.
An image of me cradling Marissa like a child as I went up the stairs to a cabin filled my mind.
Yes, she was skinny, but I wasn’t sure I could cart her up and down hiking trails.
“Virtually, of course,” Marissa clarified.
That made more sense.