A rumble of thunder rolled over the ranch. I closed my eyes and let it go through me.

There was nothing like a good storm on a spring afternoon.

William jerked, then snorted.

He was awake.

What should I do? Should I sit up and get as far away from him as I could? Or should I stay?

I wanted to stay.

I wanted him to stay.

“Hey,” William said in a soft voice. “You awake?”

I gingerly rolled onto my back so I was looking up at him. “Yeah.”

William kept a stern expression on his face most of the time. Right now, that was missing—replaced by soft eyes, slightly furrowed eyebrows, and a smile that looked so natural on him that my heart skipped a beat. I’d only give it a category-three, or maybe a four, but it felt like an eight as he bestowed it on me.

He retrieved his glasses and put them on. Some guys looked nerdy in glasses. William did not. They not only made him look smarter, but also more handsome. He shook out the arm he’d been leaning on, and then settled it on the pillow right above my head. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

I took inventory. My head ached and my wrist throbbed, but not enough to send me to the doctor. “I’m okay,” I said.

“I’m glad.” His smile widened to a five and then his hand whispered down my arm to my wrapped wrist. Tingles followed his touch, and I was unable to repress the shiver that ran through me. “And this?” His fingers lightly brushed mine, and for a second, I couldn’t breathe.

William had managed to combine his business intensity with his caring for me. Forget breathing, I was pretty sure my heart stopped beating.

“Does it hurt?” he asked as his fingers tightened around mine.

Ho-ly. Cow. Where had the guy who liked to compete and make ridiculous lists gone? Where had the man who slid his fingers across my skin and spoke to me in a voice that made me want to jump up and start kissing him come from? He’d asked about my wrist, but all feeling in my body had turned into tingling electricity. “A little.”

“Do you want more painkillers?”

I managed to shake my head. “Not yet.” I was afraid if either of us got up, the spell between us would be broken.

“Okay.” He moved his other hand to my head where he started gently working his fingers through my hair again.

If I had been a cat, I would be purring. Heck, I was tempted to nuzzle into his touch.

Another flash lit the window. William’s head jerked to it.

“Just lightning,” I said.

At that moment, the patter of rain started.

“And rain.” My brain went on autopilot, and I started ticking off what needed to be done in the face of a big storm. We hadn’t left any tools out, and the four-wheelers were in the garage. We’d dropped the horses off when we’d…

I let out a gasp and sat up.

Unfortunately, William’s chin was in the path of my forehead, and the click of his teeth when I collided with him told me he hadn’t had his jaw closed.

“Ouch.” He rubbed his chin.

“Sorry.” Without thinking I reached out and put my hand on his cheek. Why couldn’t I be gentle when he was around? “Did you bite your tongue?”

William froze.

Oh no, I’d injured him again. “Did you?” I asked.