“It smells great,” I said, meaning it. You could never go wrong with salty chicken broth and noodles.

“How are you?” His eyes wandered from my head to my feet and back up. It felt like a medical inspection instead of a flirty one, which made me a little sad.

“Warm now.”

“Good.” He gave me a category-three smile and jerked his head toward the television room. “Come sit?”

I could kick him out right now. I was pretty sure he’d leave if I asked him to.

William had unwittingly hit a trigger of mine, but for once, I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t want to have to do everything on my own. I appreciated being taken care of. I didn’t remember the last time this had happened with a guy. I managed a small nod. “Sure.”

“Great.” He waved me before him, and if he hadn’t been holding things in both hands, I know he would have put his arm around me. Or maybe he would have gently placed his fingers on my lower back to guide me.

When we got to the couch, he waited for me to sit before he settled beside me. He put the bowl on the coffee table and held up the wrap and ice. “I looked online to see what to do for your wrist.”

“Ice and anti-inflammatories?” I asked.

“That and wrap it.” He pointed at my arm. “May I?”

His blue eyes begged me to accept his invitation. My stomach fluttered at the thought of him touching me again. Before I could stop myself, I nodded and held out my hand.

Chapter 22


Brooke had let me wrap her wrist, then she’d accepted the ice pack and had gone about awkwardly eating her ramen one-handed while we watched an episode ofStar Trek: Voyager.

It had been a long time since I’d seen the show, and I was surprised at how easily I was sucked in. Brooke had sat on the opposite end of the couch. My gaze kept straying to her. She’d been sitting up straight when we’d started, but now she sat curled in on herself. Her hair had dried, and instead of lying limp on her head, she’d run her fingers through it, and now it spiked out everywhere. Which was, in my mind, adorable.

Everything about Brooke was either adorable or sexy.

Hair? Adorable.

The blue fuzzy slippers on her feet? Adorable.

Her profile? Sexy.

The hoodie and sweats combo? That encompassed both adorable and sexy.

And those were just her physical attributes. I kept envisioning the steely look on her face as she’d walked back to her house. If her determination could be converted into energy, it would be enough to power a small city. She’d allowed me to help her through a humiliating experience, which doubled my attraction to her. She’d even eaten the ramen I’d made.

There had been a time when my mother had suggested that I take culinary classes. Today had been the only moment in my life that I’d regretted the decision to refuse my mother’s offer. I’d already made a note in my phone to look into cooking instructors.

Brooke shivered, then shifted. She slowly sat up and moved to the edge of the couch. “I think maybe I should go lay down.”

I stood and was glad I did, because she wobbled as she got to her feet. Her good arm reached out, and I took that hand to steady her.

Her fingers were cold in mine, and I could feel her shaking. “I’m not sure you should be walking.”

“I want to lay down,” she said through gritted teeth.

The thought of leaving her alone in her bed as she shivered wasn’t something I was comfortable with. “Fine, but you’re doing it right here.”

“What?” Brooke asked.

I guided her a few steps to the side and had her sit in the middle of the couch. “You can lay down here.”

She looked up at me and attempted a glare.