I wanted to curl up on my bed and go to sleep, but that was likely my adrenaline waning. I needed to get warm, as well as wash off any bits of cow refuse that we’d missed outside, and that meant a shower.

My wrist throbbed, and I couldn’t help but tuck it against my body. I hadn’t heard a pop when I’d hit the ground, but something had twisted the wrong way. Hopefully ice and ibuprofen would fix it.

A knock sounded at my door, and I jumped.

“Brooke?” William asked.

After a steadying breath, I said, “Yes?”

“Do you need anything else from town?”

“Nope. I’m just about to jump in the shower.” I stood, tossed off the towel, and was grateful that I’d worn a front clasping bra that I could undo with one hand. The boy short panties weren’t easy to get off, but I managed it, and a few minutes later, I was in the shower with warm water cascading down my skin.

Ever since the chaff incident, William had been cool toward me. Not cold, but not warm.

Until today.

Sure, I could attribute his behavior to him being a decent guy who wanted to help, but deep down inside, I felt there was more to it.

He’d come to my aid even though I hadn’t asked. Even though I’d glared at him and tried to keep him at arm’s length.

Most people would have backed away slowly without breaking eye contact.

But William had stayed. He hadn’t run, he’d assisted me in getting out of my clothes and then he’d hosed me off.

Not even my brothers would have done that. They would have pointed and laughed and then bolted.

Don’t forget, he saved you from a snake.

I shook my head. That had likely been more Betsy than William.

However, I had to give him bonus points for trying to lighten the mood by saying he felt violated instead of focusing on my humiliation.

Who was this man?

He’s a billionaire who’s going to take my ranch and leave me holding nothing of my old life as I look forward into a wasteland.

Wow, that had escalated quickly.

Maybe I was in more pain than I realized.

I needed to talk to someone about this, and I knew just the person. Before that, I needed to get through this shower.

It took a few minutes for the shivering to stop, and several more for me to wash my hair one-handed. By the time I finished, I was shaking again, but this time because of the pain in my wrist.

The underwear in my drawer taunted me, but I persevered and got dressed, sans a bra. I pulled on a pair of loose capris and tugged a hoodie over my head. Normally I wouldn’t don anything with long sleeves, but I still felt cold inside, and the hoodie would hide the fact that I was going commando underneath.

Just before I slid my feet into my fuzzy slippers, I sent Jessica a text.

Brooke:Can I call you?

By the time my toes were happily encased in fake fur and I’d sat on the bed, she answered.

Jessica:Of course.

Before I did, I went to my CD player—yes, I’m old school—and started some Garth Brooks so William wouldn’t hear me.

Jessica picked up after the first ring. “Hey.”