Overalls were one thing, but her shirt?
“William?” Her voice was soft. Almost pleading.
We’re adults.
I lowered the towel, tossed it over one shoulder, and went to her.
Goosebumps covered her exposed skin.
“Hold this sleeve,” Brooke ordered.
I did as she commanded, and she wiggled her good arm back through the hole and to her side.
“Now over my head.” She used her free hand to bring half of the shirt up to her neck.
I kept my eyes on her face as I then helped her get the soaking wet fabric over her hair. She tried to pull it off her bad arm but hissed.
“Here, let me.” I gingerly inched the shirt down, exposing her other shoulder, along her upper arm and then past her shaking hand.
I’d had intimate moments with women before, but I’d never felt so…connected to someone. I very much understood what it had cost her to ask for my help, and I wanted to be there for her. But I also wanted her to feel comfortable with me there.
I spent a split-second staring at her face, wanting to look at her lips and imagine what it would be like to kiss them. She stood before me, soaking wet, and wearing practically nothing. She was vulnerable, but so strong. Did she understand the effect she had on me?
Could I deny that effect for much longer?
Brooke had let me see her like this, and I wanted her to know that she could trust me, so I tossed her shirt aside and quickly draped the towel around her shoulders and pulled it so the sides overlapped in the front.
The shivering had gotten worse, so I rubbed her upper arms. “You okay?”
She managed a small smile and a nod as she pulled the towel tight.
“Let’s get you inside.” I expected her to resist, but she allowed me to wrap my arm around her and lead her to the stairs. “Do you have any kind of wrist brace here?” I asked.
“Only old ace bandages.”
We climbed the stairs, and I held the door. “I’ll have Patrick bring back something from town.”
Brooke opened her mouth to object, but I put my arm around her again and steered her toward her bedroom. “And you’re taking the day off. I’ll make you some lunch and then you’re going to lay down until I feel better.”
“Until you feel better?” she asked through chattering teeth.
“That’s right.” I gave her shoulders a squeeze. “It might take a while.”
Chapter 21
I wasn’t sure if I was shaking because of the cold water from the tap outside or because William had now seen almost all of me.
He’d seen me and didn’t seem disgusted or judgmental.
In fact, he’d been, as promised, a perfect gentleman.
He’d ushered me into my room, made sure I didn’t need anything else, then shut the door as he left. I could still feel the warmth from his arm around me and smell the lingering scent of his deodorant?or was it cologne?
I heard him calling Patrick and asking him to pick up ice packs, a wrist brace, and some chocolates.
William Harris was more savvy about women then he let on.