I shrugged, still trying to figure out what I’d done to my pinkie finger. Blaming the sheep seemed like a suitable plan. “I did ask her to show me the ropes.”

“Don’t let her scare you,” Christopher said. “She can be a little independent.”

Brandon laughed and looked at me. “Like walking back to get gas for her four-wheeler instead of letting you take her.”

“She said she wanted to stretch her legs.” I put my hands up.

“I would have followed her the whole way and heckled her,” Christopher said.

“Which is why she refuses to date you,” Brandon said.

For some reason, my insides twisted at that comment.

“I’m taken.” Christopher put a hand on his chest.

“After how many years?” Brandon asked.

I took a moment to study Christopher’s face. I wasn’t an expert in love, but I was good at interpreting what people were thinking. While the man’s smile was genuine, I detected a small amount of regret by the way his lips pressed together.

Had he harbored feelings for Brooke? Did he still have those feelings?

Brandon wore a silicone wedding ring, and Brooke had told me that he had a three-year-old daughter with a boy on the way. I wondered why he was helping out at a ranch when a different job would likely be more lucrative.

Christopher cleared his throat, and I returned my attention to him. “So we figure we should just out-and-out ask you?are you planning to fire us after you take over?”

When Harris Inc. acquired a company, choosing the employees that stayed and those who were ushered out with an almost meaningless thank you and a generous severance package wasn’t my responsibility, but in this case, it was. Robert had given these two rave reviews and had suggested I keep them on. “I plan to make a lot of changes, but the two of you have a job here for as long as you would like. There are no hard feelings if you decide to leave because I’m not Robert.”

“You want to turn this place into more of a horse ranch?” Brandon asked.

“That’s correct.”

He and Christopher exchanged a glance that communicated an entire conversation that I didn’t have context for. When they looked back at me, they both had smiles on their lips.

“I’d love to stay,” Christopher said.

“Same,” Brandon said.

“Wonderful.” That took some pressure off me, because now I’d have a couple of local guys that could give me insight into the surrounding community and the best contractors to hire for upgrades.

A plume of dust began at the main gate and started toward us.

Patrick had finally arrived to take me to the hotel.

“Did Robert ask you to stay for dinner?” Brandon asked.

I shook my head.

“I’m surprised. That guy loves to feed people. He usually asks us to stay.”

“I couldn’t tonight anyway,” Christopher said. “I have a date.”

“Same, only mine is cuter,” Brandon said.

“Comparing your adorable kid to my girlfriend isn’t fair to my girlfriend,” Christopher complained.

“So true.” Brandon slapped Christopher on the shoulder, then offered me another handshake. “Thanks for being honest with us.”

“Of course.” I managed to speak without betraying my screaming tendons.