I managed a small smile even as my insides turned cold. “I’m not overly fond of seeing my own blood.”

Brooke raised her eyebrows. “And you thought coming here was a good idea?”

“I didn’t expect a barbed wire attack in my first hour on the ranch.”

“You should always expect a barbed wire attack.”

“Duly noted.”

Brooke sighed and pointed at me. “Stay there and, I guess, don’t look at your arm.” Her tone was both amused and resigned.

The irony to her advice was that I wanted to do just that. Ever since I’d been a child, I’d gotten woozy at the sight of my blood, but I’d always tried to get over it by examining the wound when I hurt myself.

Courtney had once ripped a small bandage off my leg and chased me around with it until I’d curled up into a ball and cried.

That had been one of the only times I’d been truly angry at her. To this day, I didn’t know who had talked to her about it?certainly not our parents?but a week later she’d apologized and promised to never do it again.

“Let your arm dangle,” Brooke said, snapping me out of the memory. She’d returned with a small first aid kit and moved behind me. I did as she said, resisting the urge to watch.

I jumped when her fingers brushed my wrist and she undid the button of the sleeve so she could roll it up. Brooke let out a low whistle. “Not bad for your first barb wire tangle.”

“How bad is it?” I asked.

Brooke laughed. “It’s a short cut, but a little deep.” Her voice turned to a fake sweet tone. “Can you be a big boy while I bandage it and not cry?”

I gritted my teeth. “Yes, Mother.”

She laughed again and then something cold pressed against my arm just below my elbow. It stung, and I let out a hiss but didn’t move.

My stomach bounced as Brooke blew on the now disinfected skin. Goose bumps erupted all over me, and I had to repress a shiver.

The sound of plastic ripping filled the air, then Brooke’s fingers were on my skin, pressing a bandage into place.

Her warmth warred with the cold building inside of me. I glanced over my shoulder just as she straightened and smiled. “All done.”

While I couldn’t mistake the triumph in her eyes, I also couldn’t ignore the concern there.

My stomach twisted, and I wasn’t sure why this time, so I stepped away and turned to face Brooke. I rolled my sleeve back down and said, “I see why you told me to wear durable clothing.”

“The correct response is, thank you for your insight, Brooke, and I’m sorry I didn’t listen.” Her smirk made my stomach twitch, but this time in a good way.

I kept my expression neutral. “Thank you for your insight, master rancher, and I’m sorry I didn’t listen.”

She nodded. “Very good. Now finish wrapping that wire.”

Once I did so, we took the stretcher off, and after a few tugs, Brooke decided we’d done a good enough job to move on.

“What’s next?” I asked when we got to the four-wheelers.

“Ready for more?” Brooke raised her eyebrows.

Did she think that one little cut was enough to get me to quit? If so, Brooke Shaw was in for a rude awakening. “Of course.”

She glanced to the north before she grinned at me and said, “How do you feel about sheep?”

Chapter 11
