Dinner wasn’t quite ready. That meant we’d all get to sit and chat with William. I glanced at the sky and noticed moisture from the clouds in the west streaking down toward the ground. The rain would be here in less than thirty minutes, and it would likely last for a while.

Since my dad wasn’t ready to listen, maybe I could appeal to William.

No. Not appeal. Dissuade him.

He had mountains of money, but did he really understand how much he would have to pour into this place?

Only then did I realize that I didn’t know why he wanted our ranch. Maybe he was going to tear it all down and build an amusement park. I couldn’t let that happen. This place had been in our family for three generations. Four if it fell to me. I wasn’t going to allow some billionaire to come and make a mockery of it.

That thought drove me to action. “Dad, why don’t I take William on a tour of the ranch?”

My dad blinked.

I pointed. “It will be raining soon, and we all know the place looks better when it’s not soggy.”

Now my dad narrowed his eyes.

I hated myself for employing my next method of manipulation, but this was an emergency. I lowered my voice and said, “He is a rich, single man.” My dad didn’t look impressed. “Not to mention handsome.” I smiled wide and prayed that he would take the bait.

My dad frowned. “I was hoping he could get to know the family.”

“We’ll be back for dinner, which should be ready in twenty minutes. You’ll have plenty of time to talk then.” I willed the man to let his desire for more grandchildren override his need to socialize.

After a moment, he let out a small snort. “Fine, but be back in twenty minutes.”

“Thanks, Daddy.” I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek before I bolted down the stairs and pointed at William. “You, in the truck.”

William, who had been walking toward the house, stopped and blinked in confusion.

“I’m taking you on a tour.”

Chapter 6


Patrick shot me a questioning look as Brooke ordered me to a nearby red truck, but I waved a hand indicating that I’d be fine.

I doubted Brooke’s plan was to shoot me and dump me in a shallow grave.

She wouldn’t do that, would she?

Hopefully she was going to give me a chance to explain. Although, I wasn’t sure why I needed to do so.

I got to the truck and noticed Brooke practically jumping into her side. Why didn’t she have a running board? That’s what they were for. I was grateful for regular dance lessons that kept me limber and strong so I didn’t have to crawl into the behemoth.

I expected the interior of every vehicle on a ranch to be dirty and smell like corn nuts, but instead, I found the leather seats wiped clean and a lilac air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror. The only thing out of place was a folder full of papers that sat on the consul between the front seats. Brooke grabbed it and set it in the back.

Brooke started the truck, and the engine growled to life. “Ready?” she asked.

I licked my lips, reminded myself this might be my only chance to talk to her, and put my seatbelt on. “What exactly should I be ready for?”

“We need to chat.” Her tone indicated this discussion wasn’t going to be pleasant.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Ma’am is my mother, Will.”

I made a face. “I prefer William.”