“They look friendly enough,” Patrick murmured as I climbed out.

Here I was, worried about the weather, while he was assessing the people.

Frank jumped down after me and began sniffing the ground.

“Will.” Robert came forward with his hand extended.

I’d asked him to call me William at least a dozen times. He’d pointedly ignored me. “Mr. Shaw.” He’d asked me to call him Robert, but until he stopped using Will, he was going to be either Mr. Shaw or sir. “Good to finally meet you in person.”

Robert smiled and proceeded to see if he could squish my hand. The man looked even more Texan in person than he did over a video call. There was a permanent ring around his head where his hat usually sat, and the original color of the overalls he wore was a mystery. Despite the leathery skin of his face, his smile was one of the most inviting I’d ever seen.

Two other men, probably sons, had also come out onto the porch.

This was going to be more awkward than I’d anticipated.

Frank’s tail started wagging like mad, and he tugged against the leash.

I frowned. “Frank, heel.”

My dog gave me a truly pathetic look as he came back to my side. His tail didn’t slow.

What had gotten into him? First at the park and now here. Of course, the park had been Brooke’s fault.

Robert slapped me on the shoulder with enough force to topple a professional wrestler. “Will, I’d like to introduce you to my family. This is my wife, Kathline.”

I shook the redhead’s hand, and I swear she almost crushed my fingers.

“My son Rick, his wife Mindy, and their boys, Conner and Xavier.”

A family unit approached. The youngest, Xavier, didn’t stop looking at the SUV.

“Is that yours, Will?” he asked.

“Can I pet your dog?” the other one asked.

I glanced down at Frank and found him still looking toward the house, tail wagging. “I prefer William. And yes, you can pet him,” I told Conner.

Frank’s attention moved to the boy for a sniff of approval before his gaze returned to the porch.

Robert pointed. “And then we have Todd, my oldest, and Brooke, my only daughter.”

My gaze lifted, and I froze. My attention slid past the tall blond man to the woman at his side.

Even if I hadn’t just seen her at the park, I’d recognize those curves and the way her hand sat on her hip in disapproval anywhere.


My brain went into cause-and-effect mode.

I was buying a ranch from Robert Shaw.

Robert had one daughter.

That daughter was Brooke.

The same Brooke that I’d just invited to breakfast.

Chapter 5