I stifled a sigh and scratched Frank’s side. We’d run my dog to death at the park, and now he lay sprawled on the seat next to me, sound asleep. “Father, my people have concluded that this acquisition isn’t going to make us as much money as we’d originally hoped.”

“We need holdings in Chicago,” he said.

“It doesn’t need to be this company.” He would want more information, so I gave it to him. “Especially since they’re toying with us. I, for one, am not willing to put up with their nonsense. They may have found a loophole in the contract, but we have all the power here.” Father loved it when he had the upper hand. “And if they go to someone else, we can look into a better company to buy. I found half a dozen more promising options during my flight.”

Now I could picture my father opening and closing his mouth as he tried to poke holes in my argument.

He wouldn’t find any weak spots. Next, he would ask me why I wasn’t coming back until tomorrow night.

“You’re making a mistake, William,” he said in a serious tone.

His words surprised me. This was a solid business decision. “Do you know something I don’t?”

“William, this is an inconvenient time for you to be gone.”

And now we were back on track. I scratched Frank’s ribs and let my father vent.

“We’re in the middle of two big deals, the investment people are screaming for help, and my assistant quit.”

What he meant was with me gone he’d have to deal with the investment group on a Friday morning, and he was depressed because his latest mistress had left him. I decided to throw him a bone. “I’ve asked Courtney to come with you to the meeting tomorrow.

My father grunted again. Where he and I disliked business meetings, my sister loved them.

“It would be better if it was you,” my father said. “You’re the one who will be taking over soon.”

I didn’t need to be reminded of that fact. “As for the loophole in the contract, I’ve got Adam looking into that.” I couldn’t help one jab. “You’re on your own with the assistant, however.”

My dad let out a huff.

The man was a savvy businessman, but he’d become less patient over the past few years. Courtney and I had taken over almost all of his day-to-day responsibilities. Between the two of us, we effectively ran Harris Inc. and all of the businesses under the corporate umbrella.

My phone buzzed. My insides twisted. Was it Brooke?

I shouldn’t have looked, but suddenly my mouth was dry. I put my father on speaker as I swiped the texting app to life.

Brooke:Good to hear from you. I accept your offer of breakfast. Mama’s Diner. What time?

I heaved a sigh of relief and closed my eyes. She was going to meet me. I’d seen the restaurant when we’d driven through town. While I wouldn’t normally stop there, I’d make an exception for Brooke.

“How’s the downtown deal going?” my father asked.

My flight was scheduled to leave at noon, and I’d need to be at the airport by ten, since I was flying commercially. I shot Brooke a quick answer.

William:Is 6am too early?

“William?” my father asked.

I did my best to put the spunky, curvaceous, beautiful woman out of my mind and focus on my dad’s question. “No problems so far.” This deal was something we’d been working on for a while, and when we closed it, we would have more property in Manhattan to develop.


My phone buzzed with Brooke’s answer.

Brooke:Nope. See you there.

A small grin tugged at my lips. I never thought I’d be excited to have breakfast in a small-town diner.

Patrick slowed the vehicle to turn off the main road.