Victoria nodded. She bit her lip and started to mutter as she went through the move, “Turn, turn, turn, together.” When she faced me again, she beamed. “I did it.”

“You were amazing.” We went back to the normal step, and before I stopped dancing altogether and kissed her, I asked, “Again?”

“Duh.” Her dark red lipstick highlighted her triumphant grin as we went again. Then again.

We tried a few more moves, and Victoria easily kept up. She exuded joy and followed every nudge I gave her to go in a different direction or to do another turn. It was like we were made for this.

She was made for me.

Was I made for her?

The song came to an end, and we stopped, both breathing a little hard. A slower tune started, and I pulled her to me. She didn’t resist, and the space between us disappeared, leaving me once again breathless. We danced in silence, and I cataloged each and every touch of our legs, the way she felt against me, and the delicious smell of her perfume and hair products. After a few minutes, I spoke. “Have I told you how amazing you are yet tonight?”

“Doesn’t matter, say it again,” she said in a teasing tone.

I leaned down and whispered in her ear as I led us around another couple. “You, Victoria Cooper, are amazing.”

She turned her head, and suddenly, our lips were hovering mere inches apart. “You’re pretty great yourself.”

Did she mean that? My already elevated heart rate climbed, and I licked my lips. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.”



I felt her stiffen, but her green eyes never left mine. “Okay.”

The song ended, and the couples broke apart to applaud the chamber orchestra.

We did the same, but we didn’t break eye contact. I was afraid she’d run if I gave her half a chance. Just as I reached for her hand, intending to take her off the floor so we could talk, William appeared beside us.

“Victoria.” He bowed. “I was hoping I could steal you for this dance.”

I inwardly cursed. I’d forgotten all about him.

And Courtney, who stood next to her brother.

“Of course,” Victoria said as if we hadn’t been about to share our deepest feelings with each other. She took William’s outstretched hand, and I turned to Courtney. Her expression—which the mask made difficult to read—sat at approximately smug.

I took a breath and gave her a small smile. “I guess you’re stuck with me.”

“I guess.” Her lips almost hit grin status, but it faded as I offered her my hand and she took it.

One song. I could dance one song with this woman before I snatched Victoria up and dragged her off so we could talk.

Chapter 19


Could William have picked a worse time to cut in? I should have followed my gut and kissed Logan earlier. That would have kept the siblings away. Now I had an entire song to chat with one-word William.

If not for my desire to be able to dance with Logan up in Big Bear, I never would have recognized the tune as a waltz, and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to keep up with William.

He slipped one arm around my upper back. His fingers brushed my bare skin, but it didn’t make me want to melt into a puddle of goo like Logan’s did. What it did do was assure me that I was in good hands, so to speak. He looked me right in the eye then started to lead me in a slow three-step pattern.

As usual, he’d dressed to impress. The mask accentuated his long jaw and lean face. A tux always did wonders for any man, and whoever had picked William’s had done a stellar job. I figured he wouldn’t talk first, so I took the initiative.

“You and Courtney look great.”