“You’re hilarious, and I’m pretty sure you think it’s downright sexy that I like to cook and clean.”
Victoria raised her eyebrows. “I might.”
“I knew it.” I squeezed her fingers. “I also know that you’re not filthy rich, which, in my opinion, is a point in your favor. You like to poke fun at people and things, but you’re not malicious, and I hope that you can forgive me for even making the list and making you think that you needed to be anything but the awesome person you are.” I slid one arm behind her on the bench.
“You’re missing a few things,” Victoria said between sniffing.
“I know, but I think you’re rocking one of them.” I smiled.
She looked at me with a quizzical expression.
I pointed down at her lap, where Sky had settled his head.
Victoria blinked. She’d started petting him when I’d let her hand go. My dog looked at her with hope in his eyes. Granted, he was probably just hoping for a belly rub or something, but I was hoping she wouldn’t scream and run away.
She laughed through tears and said, “Hi, Sky.”
His tail thumped on the ground, and he nuzzled closer to her.
“You distracted me.” Victoria attempted to glare at me.
“Would I do that?” I started gently rubbing her neck.
I shrugged. “Guilty, as charged.”
Victoria sighed, and I could tell that she wanted to say something. So I trailed the ends of my fingers along her neck and shoulders as she did the same to Sky.
Not going to lie, I was a little jealous of my dog.
“Did Kyle tell you what was going on with me?” she finally asked.
“No more than you told me.”
She nodded.
My stomach clenched as I thought of her trying to get through whatever it was by herself. “How’s it going?”
“Slower than I’d hoped.”
The defeated tone in her voice broke my heart, and I put my arm around her and pulled her to me. “I’m sorry.”
I kissed her on the top of the head and then rested my cheek on her. “What can I do?”
“Tell me why you came.”
“I wanted to apologize for the list, and I wanted to let you know that I love you no matter what. And I think it’s awesome that you’ve been getting over your fear of dogs.”
“It was something I could actually fix.”
“Sky appreciates it. He’s been into you since the first time he met you.” I squeezed her shoulder. “Same as me.”
I felt her laugh, and then she turned her head to look at me. “There’s one important thing on your list that we haven’t discussed.”
Willing to live in Big Bear.